Cheney will be prez tomorrow
Tricky Dick will be our esteemed prezident for a couple of hours tomorrow while Bush gets his ass examined during a colonoscopy. somewhere, there will Continue reading Cheney will be prez tomorrow
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Tricky Dick will be our esteemed prezident for a couple of hours tomorrow while Bush gets his ass examined during a colonoscopy. somewhere, there will Continue reading Cheney will be prez tomorrow
Why are things so screwed up for voters in Arizona? Well, guys like this certainly aren’t helping the situation. In April of 2005, Hans von Continue reading Voting issues in Arizona
When you start out with this line: One of the more memorable and revealing statements explaining the nature of the Bush administration buildup to the Continue reading Petraeus as the dramatic hero
Point: William Kristol trots out the following in the Washington Post. I suppose I’ll merely expose myself to harmless ridicule if I make the following Continue reading Why Bush Will Be A Winner?
The whole thing hinges on what exactly Cheney considers “action”. The fine folks who run this country haven’t taken anything off the table yet for Continue reading Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran
Did you know U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-LA) is a Harvard graduate and Rhodes Scholar? Neither did I. Vitter, of course, is now world famous Continue reading The Vitter Truth
In case you were wondering what the Judge who presided over Scooter Libby’s recent court appearance thought about Bush commuting Libby’s sentence: In his first Continue reading Judge Reggie Walton Speaks
Not quite sure how this has happened. I didn’t used to agree with the old boy on, well, anything. Suddenly, I find myself reading his Continue reading I’m now in bed with the likes of Andrew Sullivan
If you’re a political junkie like myself, you are probably already following the Sara Taylor testimony from your computer at work. Yeah. Great use of Continue reading Sara Taylor digging her own grave
As if you needed another reason to loath George Bush’s administration and all that they stand for, today we have this revelation: U.S. surgeon general Continue reading Former Surgeon General Says He Was Muzzled
Found this one over at Under Dick Cheney, the office of the vice president has been transformed from a tiny acorn into an unprecedented Continue reading Is it time to Impeach Cheney?
And, it finally dropped. You can now download your own copy of Deborah J. Palfrey’s 1994-2006 Telephone Records from her Escort Service here: You Continue reading Not quite ready for prime time