Midnight at the Oasis

You need to have a posse. Some form of community. A third place to frequent. Somewhere to venture beyond home and work. The standing coffee Continue reading Midnight at the Oasis
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
You need to have a posse. Some form of community. A third place to frequent. Somewhere to venture beyond home and work. The standing coffee Continue reading Midnight at the Oasis
Singlespeed USA is a party celebrating everything singlespeed. Organizational duties get passed around to different folks and it happens in a different location every year. Continue reading Tuesdays with Dirty: I went to Singlespeed USA and all I got was everything.
Whole heartedly, it’s not what it once was. Even pre 9/11 it was tracked out by 4 wheelers yet it was still narrow and vulnerable Continue reading Email to John Schilling regarding Camino del Diablo in 2018
There were a few flashes of consciousness throughout the episode. They lasted for days. It would build like a wave over weeks and then crest Continue reading What Happens After Bikes Is More Bike
I never used to ride with headphones, instead opting for the sounds of nature, my freewheel, or listening for cars. But now that I live Continue reading Flavor in your ear #1
It’s the most wonderful day of the year! Well, really it’s just like any other day for people like us. A day we carve out Continue reading Happy Drunkcyclist Day!
Trash middens and catholic swagger, which will last forever more, the plastic or the guilt? Enough lifetimes will never wander this far to see this Continue reading Reaching The Villages
Thursday. suddenly it is 9am PST and I’m at the airport sucking on the first bloody mary of the day to curb the previous evening’s Continue reading Let’s Party
It’s as if at a youthful and vulnerable age one will latch onto the meaning of something, and become it. Perhaps this is how we Continue reading From Baja to Alaska Required a Stop in Sedona
So that was it, in an excerpted form. After 20 blog posts I have pretty much summed up my Baja tour in an easy’ish to Continue reading Baja The End (But Not Really)
It’s been interesting living through this recent boom of bicycle touring. So many people in my orbit are out there taking the long ride, sharing Continue reading #IsThisBikepacking ?
The grind continued. I feel like I slowed down. At least in the mornings rolling out of my bag. I again packed up, this time Continue reading La Purisma, San Javier, San Isidro, the Comundu Municipality…