Biker Down: Stephen “Bikesgonewild” Wilde

Drunkards and friends. We lost one of our own. Stephen Wilde, aka Bikesgonewild. He spent decades commenting, shit talking and sharing his wisdom on this site. He was true DC original.

I never got to meet the man in person, but through this site, social media and text exchanges, I feel like he was a friend. I mentioned this in my last Drunkcyclist Day post, but I wanted to give this legend his own space on the yellow page. I’m not trying to write an obituary here, just to let y’all know the cycling world is a little less now, Stephen was a boss. Just look at that dude on the lower right

Raise a glass to Bikesgonewild. Cheers to an amazing human,

Call that riding buddy you haven’t seen in a while. Tell your friends you love them. Be excellent to each other…and for godssake, keep it dirty.

About dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Currently in Carbondale, CO Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

4 Replies to “Biker Down: Stephen “Bikesgonewild” Wilde”

  1. I enjoyed an email friendship with Stephen for many years.

    The world is a colder place.


  2. I loved BGW, he was there in the glory days of this site, mixing it with characters like Big Johnny, Gnome, Triple T, Joe the Electrician, D2, Virgil Mutha Fuckin Rufus & all the other degenerates that made this site so special, especially Dirty, who picked up the torch & carried it forward.

    I miss Little Jar, it was like shooting fish in a barrel but I’m sure that his heart was in the right place.

  3. Damn right, right Hurben said. Good reminder, hadn’t thought about some of this good stuff in some time. And glad to see some lights on here again.