Floyd is as Floyd does

This is one of those “tell us what you really feel moments”:

From: James
Subject: shudafucup already….
somebody please make this guy go away….you ain’t James Bond biyatch…you are 00 +. you cheated…you got caught. Spent a lot of money, still got caught.
Now go away and market some new acid wash def leppard jeans with that crazy fuck Ball. I will roast marshmellows on your program when the whole shit-house goes up in flames…

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

13 Replies to “Floyd is as Floyd does”

  1. I actually DON’T want to see this go away.
    Cheater or not, Floyd is stirring up some things that need to be addressed. The LNDD is awful and an example of all the things that could be wrong with a testing laboratory.
    Imagine if there actually is a clean pro, and they did get a false positive from shoddy testing? I would be scared shitless to think my career could hinge on something like the LNDD.
    Hopefully this will help drive the labs to perform to higher standards, or at least be held accountable if the don’t.

  2. Pirata is right.

    Regardless of what you think of Floyd, he brings up some great points that NEED to be addressed.

  3. Ok, I will give you that the LNDD is like watching a monkey fuck a football, but this is sour grapes. I even went to his Floyd Fairyness Fund deal here. regardless of what the numbers are, there was synthetic testosterone in his system. He truly is a talent, but this reaks of “Bitter… party of one, your table is ready….”

  4. …fully agree w/ pirata & mark…all kinds of aspects for ‘cleaner cycling’ have been addressed but until every accredited lab has a fully qualified ombudsman, an impartial, knowledgeable outsider looking over the shoulder of the testing technician, we will never be able to believe in 100% properly done testing procedures…

    …there’s been too much “cover yer ass” policy throughout the whole sport…

  5. Make the rules up as they goes along…..Like when the AMGEN tour of California Choose to ignore the 3kilometer rule and granted the fallen disco squad the same time as the leading pack when the crash was 10 kilometers out. This is not the WWF. the governing body can’t decide who wins. I don’t get it but my interest is lost. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

  6. …aah, umm, my dog tugboat ate my homework…

    …mr. hamilton, that makes no sense & has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever w/ your case…what in god’s name are you impliying ???…

    …well, ummm, i’m just sayin’…

    …thank you, mr. hamilton, now will you please sit down…

  7. I agree with ensuring high standards for the testing labs. It seems ironic that the more athletes cheat, the better the labs have to be. They are inversely related in that the “worse” the athletes are, the “better” the labs need to be (think Balco or EPO). My point is, the origin of the problem still lies with the athlete, not the lab.

  8. …lovedawg, while in essence, what you are saying is absolutely true, said athletes aren’t getting their info & drugs out of a vacuum…

    …the implication being, that the morality & ethical standards of people entrusted w/ medical & scientific knowledge are highly suspect, on a regular basis…

    …i guess in this day & age, i’m sounding a little naive to not expect a lowered standard, but who DO we trust anymore ???…

  9. Got to go with Landis on this one. Protocol is protocol. Science is exactness (inasmuch as it can be). If numbers don’t add up, there is no conviction. Cheated or didn’t cheat. . .only the numbers from a properly followed protocol carry weight. Outside of that it’s all talk and can’t carry consequence.