Hangover helper
Since most of the country is going to be hung over today, I thought that I would drop a link dump and some stuff from Continue reading Hangover helper
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Since most of the country is going to be hung over today, I thought that I would drop a link dump and some stuff from Continue reading Hangover helper
From: Pépin Subject: Gelgian artist What about this belgian artist named ARNO ? His meeting with Eddy on stage here: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8enWNhW3D4E[/youtube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8enWNhW3D4E. Translation: “I’m the Continue reading And those would be some very big balls
The latest report from Response, our Far East Correspondent: Gear are for queers, I guess I’m gay cause this single speed shit is hard to Continue reading Gears make you weak
I just got an email from a guy name Hank and he sent this in – Greetings Long time reader, first time e-mailer. I can’t Continue reading Just in… Keith Richards is a Drunk Cyclist AND a baller
From: Colin M. Subject: With all this local pro doping conversation going on lately… I wish someone would be brave enough to do what this Continue reading Everybody is on something
Our own Far East Correspondent just submitted this timely report. From: Response Well, I took my bikes from HK to China. I considered breaking them Continue reading In this place, China, bikes they have
This one got forwarded to me last week. I hadn’t had a chance to post it up till now. Subject: FW: STOLEN BIKE – Downtown Continue reading Welcome to Tucson, indeed.
From: Virgil M.F. Rufus Hey BJ, My friend Steve Boemke puts this on every year and it is kind of cool. This year it is Continue reading Le Tour de Tryptophan
I got an email this morning (a forwarded forward, actually) regarding this past weekend’s El Tour de Tucson. For those of you that have followed Continue reading Youngest El Tour Finisher
From: Brad M. Subject: Bluefield, VA Police Reports Can you believe this shit? Kids on bicycles were reported for ‘riding in the street’! Damn those Continue reading The kids are all right
From: Virgil_Mf_Rufus Subject: I wanna be part of the fun. Here is my socks. Given to me by Stevil and Gino at interbike 08. Pretty Continue reading I wanna be part of the fun
Lets kick this off with an email: From: Andy I’m pretty sure DC will have a gigantic hard-on for this one. It looks awesome. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/10070693[/vimeo] Continue reading For the weekend, email, video, cyclocross, doping