Friday is as Friday does
Snowing like all hell again in Flagstaff, Arizona. File this under “the view from my window”: Big Jonny declined excitement. File this under “fucking up Continue reading Friday is as Friday does
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Snowing like all hell again in Flagstaff, Arizona. File this under “the view from my window”: Big Jonny declined excitement. File this under “fucking up Continue reading Friday is as Friday does
From BBC news : A car dealership in the United States is offering a free handgun with every vehicle sold. Max Motors in Butler, Missouri, Continue reading *** — headdesk — ***
He gave up golf. Or did he? The unforgivable interview and Keith Olbermann’s commentary: You can also view this piece in its entireity (and far Continue reading The unforgiveable interview
America’s most senior general was “hoodwinked” by top Bush administration officials determined to push through aggressive interrogation techniques of terror suspects held at Guantánamo Bay, Continue reading Guantánamo torture and who pushed it forward
Carlin on God Bless America I still can’t manage to embed crap on this site. Don’t know why, I guess Im just retarded. I Continue reading George Carlin is awesome.
I have this seething temper that tends to get the best of me on occasion. Most of the time I can keep it in check, Continue reading How dare you, Sir.
It’s been so long since i’ve posted i’m surprised the site remembered me. My bad. After enough beverages, i wanted to share this “morsel” from Continue reading Enjoy your dinner…
Got in what really might have been my second mountain bike ride of 2008 with my boy McClane yesterday. Fucking kid is crazy. Him and Continue reading Happy Monday
No, Im not referring to the website or the song by Clutch. I am referring to a study that says 1 in every 100 Americans Continue reading Prison Planet
As I watched last night’s debate with my family, I kept turning to either my wife on my left or my father on my right Continue reading Russert – Absent without malice?
Excellent piece in the NY Times by Morris Davis back on February 17th. Definitely worth a look: Twenty-seven years ago, in the final days of Continue reading Unforgivable Behavior, Inadmissible Evidence
Ralph Nader announces candidacy for President on Meet the Press. Collective groan heard around the world. Ralph, really. You’re killing me over here. The consumer Continue reading Nader throws his hat in the ring