Leviathan cometh

Snake snapped a few pics of me while we were out on the Saturday Shoot Out. I guess no one would believe it happened if there wasn’t photographic evidence. I think there is one out there somewhere of me in a parking lot with my beer guy hanging out. Rock it if you got it, right? I’m sure he’ll post it on my birthday or some shit.

Slow moving vehicle.
Slow moving vehicle.

That’s me at 6′ 4″ & 208 lbs. 62cm bike. 180mm cranks. XL jersey. Yep. That’s why they call me big jonny.

I’m just stoked I was able to get out there and feel the wind in my face for a few hours. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Or, in my case, all work and no play makes jonny a fucking fat ass.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

26 Replies to “Leviathan cometh”

  1. …gianni grande…you are “el lider supremo” of this peleton of heathens & we’ll look to you in reverence no matter your plumage…

    …whether it’s 175 svelte as a whippet with bone crushing leg strength to power you up n’ over the steepest climbs with the wind in your face lbs. or 350 built like a ‘state fair blue ribbon, prize winning hog’ couch crushing with just enough leg strength to power ya out to the fridge for another ‘cold one’ lbs., you rule this pack…

    …now get in some more rides before ya hit the books again…

  2. Well, the safety triangle should make you easier to spot when I get back to AZ,

    Ride on, BJ, ride on.

  3. I reckon you be looking right slender at 6’4″ and only 208. I find myself at 6’0″ and 215 looking like Bubbles the Bicycling Whale in my XL cycling jersey. My gut runneth over.

  4. black is slimming, lycra, not so much. but jonny you don’t look fat. i think 208 for a guy standing 6’5 is LEAN. like a basketball playa playa.

  5. Mikey, no worries! Did you get a look at the quality of the pavement down there in Tucson? Yeah. Big tires ride nice!

    Truth be told, a lot of Mission rides like glass after some recent renovation. I wouldn’t have made it as far as I did with the group if not for that. (and I didn’t make it all that far!)

  6. …those vultures aren’t even circling at this point…

    …they walking down the double yellow saying “this looks like a piece of cake”

  7. Couldn’t give ratsarse about the weight & size..

    You’re out there doing it.

    Good on you.

  8. Fat!!! I tilting 245 at 6’2″. Can we get shirts like that! Sweet. Good to alternate with my crash test dummy one.

  9. 208 6’5 fuck you are thin man. I am 5’8 195. I get on the bike for a couple of months and get down to 180 then something happens off the bike for a few weeks right back up to 190+. Keep on riding and hope to hear rants about puppy killer screwing your Eagles this year!

    Go BEARS

    Ride on

    Ride safe