Fuck me on a Monday

We get the strangest emails around here. People shout “Bring the porn back!” And, at the same time, people say, “Where did all this porn come from?”

Really. It’s like that around here. It doesn’t make sense to me either.

From: MK
Subject: BIKE FAGS??? From DC…
hello i have recently noticed a lot of changes to the web site and although i am tired of all the porn pics the thing i find the most offensive and just pointless is the heading “Bike Fags” I don’t understand why you have to use such sexually charged derogatory language as a heading?? your web site is very close to being a really good resource for the cycling community. However it has recently taken a nose dive in taste and with the recent changes i cannot recommend your web site to others as a place to check out cool and innovative bike culture. i work at [name removed] in victoria bc canada and other employees here have also noticed the changes and i must say we all look at the low brow changes with dissappoval. I have been visiting your web site for years and would like to continue to do so and can only suggest you get rid of the smut and homophobic language and stick to bikes and bike culture . please please and thank you.

Did we title a post “bike fags”? Could have happened. If we did, I can’t find it now. I think you’re talking about the title for a category of links. It’s all the primo sites Gnome likes to check out on the daily. I check ’em like every third day. Maybe like twice a week. Because I’m lazy. We could change it to “primo” or “stash spot” or “gnar gnar” or “fuck it” or “100% man sites”. Does it really matter what we call it?

Well, I guess it matters to you. And, I should add, there was no disrespect meant to any of the gay site readers. Including members of my family. Yes. Gay and reads it. Going to visit him in a week. We’ll get drunk and I’ll apologize on bended knee.

But probably not. I really don’t think he fucking cares.

I do have a question regarding the anti-porn emails, why do you guys always tell me something along the lines of: “I have been visiting your web site for years…”? When you tell me something I know isn’t true, I don’t really care what else you say. How can you say you have been looking at the “site for years” and then all of the sudden got surprised by porn? At best, you’ve come on board recently. You have no idea what this site was up to for the last eight years.

This site was covered in porn from the word go. Have you ever seen the archives? The site header used to read “This page is all about bikes, boobs and beers. If you don’t like it, you can go to hell.” I used to splash every post with three links to galleries of naked ladies (nsfw). There was porn as recently as April of 2007. There is a sister site to this pill popp’n goodness, drunkcyclistporn.com, that, as the name implies, is all about porn.

We’re damn near a resource for the cycling community? Good. I’m glad all this work hasn’t been a complete waste of my time.

Just remember: You can’t make all of the people happy all of the time. All you can hope for is to make some of the people happy some of the time. Or so they tell me.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

64 Replies to “Fuck me on a Monday”

  1. someone pissed in milenkovitch’s cherrios. and the high school reference, wtf? i for one am long past that but will still never act my age. mr/mrs milenkovitch – U R A BITCH. Sorry. and for those elevating htatbl dot com to some place stevil would not approve, check your science.

  2. SFB,
    The whole Chicago thing is hi-larious. That rat bastard is nuts. To say some of that shit, when you have a good idea that your phone is being tapped, that takes some balls. Bigger than Big Jonny’s hairy balls. Oh and the hair (on top of the head not on the balls). How did you fuckers elect him?

    I’ve been laying low on the politics front from mental exhaustion. I’ve got too much doing with school (that would be graduate school, milenkovitch) to put any time into thinking about it much. Not much to think about in the transition, except fear of the crazy shit that BushCo will try to ram through in their final days. I’m sure we’ll get back to it at some point. There are some sharp and opinionated on here, which just shows that you can like looking at nekkid girls and still think about politics. Eat your heart out Helms. I don’t mind the return of the porn. I like me some good clean trim. I just can’t look at it at school as much. Probably for the best, hopefully I’ll be more productive.

    Milenkovitch, high school? Really? If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say the median age is mid-30s. I’m sure there’s some young ones, and there’s a few who claim to be in their 50s or 60s. Us nearly middle aged folks can still like looking at a little pussy. If you’d been following the site for more than a few days, I think you’d see that any real homophobia or racism (or whatever other bad -ism you want to insert) gets dealt with rather harshly. Gallows language and humor, however, is just fine. This is Jonny’s (and now Gnome’s) show. They can do with it what they want. I came for the titties, and some talk about bike riding and politics broke out… Resource for cyclists? Get real. It’s Drunkcyclist, not BikeMojo, or cyclingnews, or blah, blah, blah… Get over it.

    BJ, Gnome, and all the other front-pagers, thanks for creating this trainwreck. DC is dead. Long live DC.

  3. SFB – you fucktard. Of course your neo-con loving self didn’t vote for Blago…

    Happy New Year.

  4. Redheads for DAve rules…..While you are at it BJ can you bring back the Jiffy Lids for Chris posts

  5. Easy there Hostile, I’m well aware that SFB wouldn’t have voted for Blago, and he knows that I meant the “you” in royal terms. I find Blago so sad, so out of touch, that it’s funny. It’s just like a Canadian asking how “we” elected Bush… twice. I sure as hell didn’t vote for him, and it might be funny if we weren’t living with the consequences. If we are going to mock Shrub for being the village idiot (which he is…), then we also need to call out Dems who behave like wannabe mobsters. Corruption is corruption, it doesn’t matter what flavor it comes in. Other than his conservative leanings, I really don’t understand what SFB did to you?

  6. My guess is that he’s just plain Hostile. His problem, not mine.

    There’s a bar downtown Chicago that’s serving a burger called the “Bleeping Blago.” When it comes out, the mustard is put on written as a dollar sign.

  7. To 60th the other responses, this bozo has not been visiting this site for years. I wept tears of scotch when the porn went away – and stopped looking as often. As for the fag remarks, you’re a skinny white guy with shaved legs that wears tights. Get over it.

  8. I’ve been cuming to this site for years….I think 5 or 6? When I got a new job two years ago they had a webfilter that blocked DC because of the ‘porn’ html tag. Later, I found out he had a new format with less porn, but the site was still blocked. I asked Big Jonny about it, and he said he had toned it down for several reasons, but still had the ‘porn’ html tag. Oh well, life’s a bitch, I thought.

    Well, they decided to stop paying for the webfilter, so now I can hit DC.

    But, milenkovitch somehow thinks things have taken a turn for the gutter? hmmm, I persoanlly like the old days – the daily erotica link, redheads for dave….not only that, but there’s as much political discussion as there is bike talk, so where does tool milenkovitch get off on scolding Our Man Big Jonny?

    Hey, my training rides consist of talking about women, politics, and partying, until we actually start training. If there was _ever_ a website that effectively reflects bike culture, DC is it, right down to the porn.

    Btw – Jonny, looking forward to the birds in The Big Game, I’m hoping they go up against Baltimore, and I hope Baltimore lays a serious asswhupping on fucking pittsburg. I hate pittsburg. I hate the town, the geography, the people, everything about it. rothl-whatsisname is an overrated retard. Interesting stat about rothlwhatsisfuck – He’s won three games in his entire career when he passes more than 30 times. Yeah, there’s a stellar acheivement. Fucking dolt, I hope ray lewis sacks his moron ass back to whatever inbred town he comes from.