This morning in Phoenix, Arizona, I got to the polling station at 7:08 am and waited in line for :50 minutes with my two daughters in a stroller. My wife went a little over an hour earlier, at 5:50 am. And the line then was a half an hour long.
What was it like where you live? Got anything to share?
Northern Indiana (St. joseph county) walked in and walked with no wait.
This shit’s over folks, Obama’s got PA by a landslide this far, and all the Obama loving counties around Philly haven’t reported yet. And Fox has him projected for the win in OH.
Pour yourselves a drink.
Brooklyn, waited about an hour at 11:30
Heckler, try the real Alaskan beer. I was drinking Silver Gulch tonight. BTW I’ve stood on both sides politically and no one tops the Democrats for being obnoxious in victory. Jesus christ have you no manners. Another BTW is Chicargo still on fire?
Oh yeah, before I got sidetracked, the lines were short at my precinct.
North ATL suburbs…
I walked in the school which was voting central for 3 precincts and it took a minute or two just to walk to the back of the line, probably close to football field in length. It moved ok though and I was in and out in about 1:45.
Pretty good considering the crowd.