While we’re waiting for returns, you all can enjoy this recording. It’s old news, but too good to leave off DC after all we’ve seen. What’re we gonna do for fun when this debacle is over?
And some sad stuff, but i’d appreciate…
Could y’all send thoughts and love to the family of my friend, my mentor, co-owner of Open Road Bicycles in Missoula Montana, Blackfoot nation, road warrior, nordic ski racer, father, husband, and dirty old man, Len Labuff? Also an employee of Bicycle Bob’s in Santa Barbara, Len was there to snap a photo of Fignon as he futilely rode the Champs, ponytail wagging, in 1989. Len died on Halloween from his second battle with prostate cancer. After he kicked it the first time he rebuilt his rigid, 1990 Fat Chance into a singlespeed and rode it like he stole it. He was quoted, not long before he died: The road goes on forever and the party never ends. Truly spoken, Len, True-ly Spoke-n. And along the way you changed many a life.
Gnomish thoughts go out to your comrade Flagstaffist.