Dear naysayers…

Fuck You.

Also, you’re welcome. You now have something to bitch about for the next four years. You can whine ‘Socialist’ and ‘Hussein’ and ‘Muslim-baby-killing terrorist’ and whatever it is you want to bitch about. You’re welcome that enough of us have spoken up and said to your right-wing idiocracy “ENOUGH.”

You’re welcome, because without us, Rush, Hannity, Coulter et. al. would be out of their jobs. (Well, not really, they would have continued to whine and moan about Pelosi, Reid and all the other ‘bleeding-heart liberals that are killing out country.’)

Face it. Your policies got us here and now we have decided to take this country back, bring it away from the brink of disaster. Now the hard part.

Fixing all of your colossal FUCK UPS.

So you’re welcome for everything we will give your pundits to bitch and moan about, and you’re welcome that the grown ups will now fix everything you and your kind have broken.

And again, FUCK YOU.

Christian C. aka Bikepunk
Card-carrying member of the ACLU
Proud DC contributor
Obama supporter

About bikepunk

“Cuts, scrapes, bruises… all in a day’s riding. Then it’s off for some good german beer in a local biergarten.” Munich, Germany

61 Replies to “Dear naysayers…”

  1. “humans are the ONLY species to exhibit gayness.”—sommerfliesby

    Wrong. Bonobos, also called Pygmy Chimpanzees, Pan paniscus, engage in homosexuality as a matter of course in solving interpersonal disputes and bonding. They use “straight” sex for the same as they are as a rule sexual in circumstances where Chimps, Pan troglodytes, (and humans for that matter) start trying to wail on the other guy with a stick. Or resort to posting ignorance on the internet.

    That’s just one example, but there are plenty of other animals that exhibit homosexuality. I had two dogs, both female, growing up. The yorkie/poodle mix would hump the bejeezus out of the dachshund. Go figure.

  2. Grant,
    Sommerfliesby didn’t write that. Sommerflesby did (same person as Bristol Palin in another post, I assume) That person has a sick stalker obsession with the real sommerfliesby. I think he’s posted under my handle too. I’m done engaging him.

  3. I think I know the dude writing that shit. He is in Denver and got the bitter blue state blues today and he is in a tax bracket that the GOP could give a fuck about BTW. He hopes to make 250K one day so he bitches about taxes but doesn’t even know that the tax code is scaled. He thinks that if he makes 260K he is taxed at a new bracket on the entire 260K not just the 10K over. You know the type, Talks a good game about riding but never shows up the Boulder group rides kinda guy. Talks a good game about politics but never googled “Socialism”. Always talking about governing based on morality. you know the type. Preaching not teaching (and he is a teacher, union at that) and patronizing and telling people how to live their lives and buying into the GOP line. The kinda guy who thinks you can push the peloton from the back when actually he is just sitting in and never takes a turn at the front pulling or leading by example. Joe the Wheel Suck. Thinks that voting republican will make him rich but actually only fears the people beneath him. Fears that “they” will work less and get more when actually “they” are only moving up into his tax bracket and he can’t fucking deal with it. So gays, and people of color and baby killers become his scapegoat.

    You know what bitch, the reason CO went Blue is because a bunch of us Californians moved here to train at altitude along with the people of color you fear and now we vote. Not only do we school the group and take our turns at the front we you’re your jobs. Why because in reality we are willing to work harder for less so hahahahhahahaha while you are sucking that wheel suck a big dick.

  4. REDO: Not only do we school the group and take our turns at the front AND we TAKE your jobs. Why because in reality we are willing to work harder for less so hahahahhahahaha while you are sucking that wheel suck a big dick.

  5. Large and fit fuck: you forgot to mention that you kalifornians also drive up property prices and clog our slopes with your gluebooting style. and you’ll never find me at the back of ye olde peloton. larger and FIT – whatever!

  6. Motherfucker Skiing is not a topic you want to go to with me yo. I pissed my college years on the Europa Cup smashing gates before fat Skis took the athleticism out of the sport. Meet me in Tahoe or Mammoth and let’s take a look at some real lines you Frisbee throwing pole plant ski patrol tail pushing hack. And besides the people of Color hate the cold so they aren’t on the slopes you ignorant fuck. You just killed your own argument. AGAIN, Joe the Ski Patrolman; the good news is that Ski Patrol is the only job Mexicans won’t take from you. They’d rather flip burgers in the hut because it pays more. Clog your slopes? Hahahaha if you made the 250K you voted for you’d be in Aspen or Vail with a guide.

  7. I am not happy to be reading about people posting up in the comment section using the name of another contributor.

    It may be time to require registration to post comments on the site. We didn’t want to do this early on as we thought it might stifle contributions. But, we may have reached the point where it has become necessary.

  8. “recognise”… what are ya, european? please be adults and let all this chatter fly bye bye.


    …hey, i came back from the dead on this one just to be supportive of the issue…

    …i agree that some folks really are cowardly in how they approach this shit…big jonny, gnome & the fucking gang created a site where we can all vent our spleens, show anger, love, humility & humidity or whatever intelligent &/or moronic indulgences we like, no holds barred as long as we accept the one caveat…

    …be responsible for your own handle…it’s only a fucking blogsite…jeezus h krist, you can call anybody out, any way you want, use any kind of language you want but have the balls (or ball, if you’re lance) to fucking man up if yer gonna post…

    …otherwise we’ll have to fucking register…

    …alright then, that being said…let’s form a circle, everyone hold hands w/ the person next to you & we’ll all sing “kombyah”…1…2…3…

  10. one thing we can all agree on… whoever the lame-ass imposter is, you can be sure his dog is gay.