Why it looks small when you come out of the ocean.
You have to be fucking joking, right?
also… All Hail the Dark Lord for he cometh with mighty red horns of DEATH.

Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
Why it looks small when you come out of the ocean.
You have to be fucking joking, right?
also… All Hail the Dark Lord for he cometh with mighty red horns of DEATH.
7-Square-Mile Ice Sheet Breaks Loose
Nothing to see here folks, move along…
Ah, it’s just Mother Nature… and satan.
Hail Satan! When’s the blood orgy?
I’d like to think I had a part in that ice-sheet thing…I DO burn a lot of gas…what a sense of accomplishment this fills me with! I’d like to thank the Academy, NASA, the flat-Earth movement, German bra manufacturers, and Drunk Cyclists the world over.
…what in the name of beelzebub happened to my last post ???…
…it was up there & it was probably “the most appropriate comment i’ve ever made”…
…ok, that is undoubtedly bullshit…but it was there…
no idea, ‘Bub. But that one is still there.
I guess Satan has a delete key.
There is an astronomy term for that effect, it’s driving me nuts to remember it.
WTF IS it?
Uh…. Solar Eclipse?
for the horns effect during an eclipse.
Like..there is a name for the beads surrounding the disc, too.
Reagan was starting his second term when I last I sat in astronomy class.
I’ll be a monster all day at work till I figure it out.