Friday Beer Poem
Lederhosen shirt
I like to party
Piss Pump’s playin
TGR is screenin’
My favorite things come in threes…
tonight i choose beer over dirt.
Piss Pump cd release party and TGR film screening tonight at 7 at Apples. These guys ride bikes, seriously fuckin rock and are funny as shit. If you ain’t down with piss pump you must be one.
Do they always wear those red caps when playing ??
I have this whole red hat/clown thing going on.
Have fun. Drink a couple for the wounded boys at Walter Reed and take a couple of pisses for the tight ass’d pricks running that place.
Dang. You can’t embed images in a comment.
Well. That’s no fun.
Piss Pump in action
looking good captain
While Chopper is out slapping his thing down and having a good time all good and proper.
I cruised over to to sincerely look for an address to send a nasty gram about Ru Paul making an….no wait….make that Ron Paul making an appearance at the Iowa debates.
And whilst there…..I came across this
And as usual I was diverted. Life story. Get over it. I have the attention span of a 5 year old.
10 bucks says 20 of those pixs are fake. Pox on Fox News.
Sorry Chopper. I did try.
aside from nausea i have from the beer and seeing the oakley next to my comment here, last night was game on. did i mention piss pump are the iron men of punk? it was fucking 32 degrees last night and those guys shredded outside for almost 2 hours. great show. good times. good buddies and a LOT of PeeeBeeeRssss.
our dear friend, the mountain bike calls. Me and DP are gonna go ride? shit, its November 10th or something and we are still riding!?!?!?!
Kafka brothers slay.
Buy the new cd.
shut me the fuck up.
Keep on talking man. Sober, drunk, hung-over, whatever.
Just….ya know…..lose that shirt.
No man over 12 is allowed to wear a shirt like that.
Nothing personal. Just saying.
that shirt says two things: Jonny doesn’t read his own site on fridays (or he would have taken my post down) and i ‘m read y to party.
kind of like a tuxedo t shirt only more besotted.