Jaksche claims Riis threatened him

Seen this yet?

Jörg Jaksche claimed that Bjarne Riis threatened him if he spoke out on doping, he said at the “Play the Game” antidoping conference in Iceland this weekend. “If you talk, you will never come back in cycling, Riis told me. And stated that he would organize that I could never come back,” Jaksche was quoted on the conference’s website, thepulse2007.org. (source: cyclingnews.com)

I’ve no idea, of course, if this is true. But it sure wouldn’t surprise me.

Not in the slightest.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

11 Replies to “Jaksche claims Riis threatened him”

  1. It’s hard to imagine an anti-doping crusader like Riis doing something like that.

  2. Riis is an ASSBAG! F##K that shit! I’m going back to my garage to play with the $20 yard sale Groene Leeuw I just bought. I’ve learned that it’s Belgian (+1), has Mafac brakes (+1), Liamme wheels(+2), looks as old as me, ~40years (-1) and it is all steel with 27″ tubulars that STILL HOLD AIR!(+3). Cleaning up an ancient classic is WAY cooler than giving brain-time to slick shitheads like that.

    By the way, that gives a total score of 6 for the mathmatically challenged.

    P.S. Anyone know anything more about Gerone Leeuw? Let me know.


  3. “Riis is an ASSBAG! F##K that shit! I’m going back to my garage to play with the $20 yard sale Groene Leeuw I just bought. I’ve learned that it’s Belgian (+1), has Mafac brakes (+1), Liamme wheels(+2), looks as old as me, ~40years (-1) and it is all steel with 27? tubulars that STILL HOLD AIR!(+3). Cleaning up an ancient classic is WAY cooler than giving brain-time to slick shitheads like that.”

    Simple diversions like that are why they get away with it.

    Proverbial ostrich head in the sand kinda thing.

    “Gerone Leeuw” ? Sounds like a veneral disease to me. I would never ride it after the fact.

  4. “Riis is an ASSBAG! F##K that shit! I’m going back to my garage to play with the $20 yard sale Groene Leeuw I just bought. I’ve learned that it’s Belgian (+1), has Mafac brakes (+1), Liamme wheels(+2), looks as old as me, ~40years (-1) and it is all steel with 27? tubulars that STILL HOLD AIR!(+3). Cleaning up an ancient classic is WAY cooler than giving brain-time to slick shitheads like that.”

    Simple diversions like that are why they get away with it.

    Proverbial ostrich head in the sand kinda thing.

    “Gerone Leeuw” ? Sounds like a veneral disease to me. I would never ride it after the fact.

  5. Oi.

    Sorry for the double post. I’d claim an error on Jonny’s web host part but all would assume I was just drunk and fucked up.

    I know the truth either way so it’s all good.

    Sorry again.

  6. “Gerone Leeuw” ? Sounds like a veneral disease to me.

    Had it once. Went on a 3 day tequila bender and it cleared right up.

  7. Actually it’s spelled Groene Leew. Never heard of it before either. Nice buttted steel frame though with good components (for the era)
    Someone told me Leew is lion in Flemish…..

    Now isn’t this more fun to talk about than Riis and mafia tactics??


  8. I sent emails to the upper management (including both CEO and chairman of the board) with a link to the article as well as congratulations for retaining such a distinguished sportsman such as Riis. Not.

  9. “Groene Leeuw” is Dutch, meaning Green Lion. Can’t tell you more about the bike itself.

    I always liked to believe Riis bettered his life and created one of the best teams ever. I still like to believe that, and his remark wasn’t meant as a threat, but as a warning, that talking about stuff like this obviously wouldn’t make Jaksche popular and that it would prove difficult to find a contract after that. But maybe the world isn’t as nice as I would like it to be.