Two riders deemed ‘unfit’ for MTB world’s

Oh for fucks sake:

Spaniard Margarita Fullana and Austrian Michael Weiss have been declared “unfit to compete” in the 2007 UCI World mountain-bike championships in Fort William, Scotland, after failing pre-race medical blood screenings.

Both cross-country racers are slated to leave the event after their national teams learned of the results.


They say blood is thicker than water. In this case, it’s thicker than cement.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

3 Replies to “Two riders deemed ‘unfit’ for MTB world’s”

  1. I am not even reading racing news much.

    It’s all about how to load up the dope and avoid the testers.

    If a team is not doing it’s internal control and longitudinal blood evaluation with an independent 3rd party, like CSC, T-Mobile and Vaughters team, it’s all bullshit.

  2. …senor bikepunk, did you wanna fill in the blanks ?…

    …R O A D I E S A N D M _ _ N T _ I N B _ K _ R S S U C K ! …

    …ugly world out there…unfortunately, it’s our world…