This one is out of Seattle:
One bicyclist was killed and another was injured Friday afternoon in a collision with a dump truck in the city’s Eastlake neighborhood.
Two men in their 20s were apparently riding north on Eastlake Avenue toward the University Bridge when a dump truck making a right turn onto Fuhrman Avenue East crashed into both of them around 3 p.m.
Police said the two men got pinned under the dump truck and were dragged for several feet.
More here:
We just need to ride armed, against traffic. Get the MTB bike out and face the assholes with a vengeance. Swerve and shoot!
sounds like a great addition to a new form of cylocross, dump truck draggin,,,
One of the media outlets here had to add the fact that “A lieutenant at the crash site said the victim was not wearing a helmet.”
Like that would have had any effect against a dump truck.
…which went through my mind as well. This morning, the Seattle P-I adds:
“The driver of the truck was not cited, police said.
In the past three years, there have been two vehicle-pedestrian collisions and four vehicle-bike collisions at the intersection of Fuhrman Avenue East and Eastlake Avenue East, according to Seattle Department of Transportation records. Friday’s accident was the only fatal collision.
All the collisions involved vehicles turning into the path of the pedestrians or cyclists, Department of Transportation spokesman Gregg Hirakawa said.”
Not cited??? What does it take? Maybe the driver will lose his (her?) CDL (commercial drivers license).
Full story:
Sucks. I ride this way to work often. Passed the scene of the accident about T+1 hour and saw nothing but a truck and a yellow tarp. That’s when you know its bad, I guess. The driver is quoted, “I think the bicyclist slipped”. Yesterday was one of the top five nicest days in Seattle 2007. How the fuck do you “slip” under a fucking truck? Big vehicles use surface streets a lot here, including the double trailers with a 12foot beam connecting between, the kind that suck you in with the draft as they pass, so you hace to avoid getting smashed by veering out of the way of the second trailer.
I’m going down there to put some flowers at the crash site, prayers for the other rider. Vehicular homicide for the driver, I say.
Is there a District Attorney we can start sending letters to?
Here you go:
Dan Satterberg, Interim
King County Prosecuting Attorney
W554 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
when I heard this report over the radio I almost got sick. I rode that route daily for a time and it is a tough area as a cyclist; a main thoroughfare that cuts a lot of time off a commute over other routes but many impatient motorists. my heart goes out to the family of the deceased and injured and I also ask the question; when is mandatory jailtime and/or huge fines and loss of license going to happen for these drivers who do not think that loss of life is nearly as important as driving to their destination? I understand, it wasn’t intentional but once the penalties get huge then cyclists will get a little better conditions to travel in; no sooner since we live in a society where punitive power is the only power.
“The driver of the truck was not cited, police said.”
I realize it was accidental, but WHAT THE FUCK?
Yeah, I rode by there about an hour afterwards as well, the intersection totally sucks and you come off a big hill (if traveling north from Capitol Hill) at speed – not above the speed limit speed, but speed. If any car is turning right U R FUCKED! I’m talking 8″ hydro discs and you are probably not stopping in time. I am not justifying the motorist in any way, shape or form but ride defensively. Helmet or not, this cyclist would probably not have lived through this. Just as motorists think it’s their right to fuck with us – sometimes we think it is our right to ride as we please or as the law allows us. You will not win. 100% of the time, cyclists lose. Be safe. Breathing is good.
Scene of the crime: