What have I been doing with my weekend? A whole lot of nothing great.
As it should be.
I dragged my daughter around in her tailer for about :45 minutes on my single speed cross bike. It just about killed me like a triple lindy. Or, since to the best of my knowledge no one has ever actually done a “triply lindy”, this poor bastard.
Link dump:
[Gonzo top six] tpmmuckraker.com
[Bush’s New Threat] youtube.com
[Novelist Anonymous] novelistanon.blogspot.com
[Schnoctobeerfest] citybillyrides.blogspot.com
File this email under “something to stare at for a bit”. The first vid is a bit long, the second two are short and sweet. And pretty cool. Good times in the lab puffin’ doobies and banging undergrads in the closet. What? Nothing.
From: nate
Subject: physics is phun
The first two videos are interesting experiments with a non-newtonian fluid (cornstarch and water). The third is one you may have seen before. It is an example of cymatics; using sound waves to move salt into neato patterns. It’s all moderately amusing.
Oh yes. Good time indeed.
From: Thomas
Subject: moyers on impeachment
In case you missed it:TOUGH TALK ON IMPEACHMENT
BILL MOYERS JOURNAL explores the talk of impeachment with Constitutional scholar Bruce Fein, who wrote the first article of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, and THE NATION’s John Nichols, author of THE GENIUS OF IMPEACHMENT
part 1
part 2
They do have a point.