The BUI podcast has split off of Mountain Bike Radio, and we’re hosting our show in house. HUGE thanks for all the hard work of Ben at MBR over the past couple of years for dealing with all the shit work of hosting the podcast. With that said, we’re going to do our best to keep the podcast rolling. For now the new episodes are being hosted over at a DC specific Libsyn page. The production value may not be that high, but the end result should stay the same, banter about whatever is going on in the cycling industry.
The first episode is an interview with none other than Thom Parsons of DIRTWIRE. Thom spends more miles on the road and consumes more coffee and redbull in a year than most people do in a decade. All to bring high quality videos of bike racing from the US and beyond. Other topics include mountain biking in Boston, the types of videos Thom prefers to shoot, and why Thom never wants to calculate what his actual hourly rate is. Enjoy.
Life well-played, Mr. Parsons.
So, I find myself in a position to offer some life wisdom: Don’t blow an artery.
I wish I could ride my bike(s). My cycling season is a non-starter, doctors orders. Crimoney.
One of my riding buddies knows this fellow, looks pretty cool:
Cycling is so addictive.
I can ride all the long day through the mountains just with the essential food and water. Enjoy cycling as your way.
i just completed my third Mohican 100 working with Thom. since i am local, i drive to the race locations for photography while he shoots video. When we covered the 100 mile ultra run last year, he drank so much coffee i got a kidney stone by sitting in the same vehicle. that being said, he is a great guy and he does great work. this past weekend he told me about this podcast… and now Red Bull will never taste the same.