Urban Packrafting

Injury has me down, but not out. The day before I decided to break myself, I received a new-to-me Alpacka raft in the mail. It was like some kind of cruel joke but I was still beyond thrilled. This is one piece of gear that I have been meaning to buy for a long time and I finally had the means to do so. You can imagine how painful it has been to sit here broken and stare at it for weeks. I got the OK from the doctor to start using my arm more. He said I should be fine with most light pulling motions, but pushing (i.e. resting on handlebars) will be a problem for a while. So I decided to do a little physical therapy and take my new raft for a spin.

I had an idea. I could skateboard away from my house a few miles and then paddle back. Seems like a pretty good way to kill an afternoon. So that’s just what I did. I also experimented with trying to make a little video.
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Injury + Boredom = Urban Packrafting



About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

11 Replies to “Urban Packrafting”

  1. Pingback: Urban Packrafting | PEDAL CANTON

  2. And a Harp no less! My favorite go-to post-ride beer before I developed this deadly affliction for IPAs! Nice Vid Dirty. Heal up buddy!

  3. You are fricking funny. Love the music. M and J are gone to Oregon. Tracy and I are still around. Let us know if you are with in 100 miles. Someone will come play. Heal fast.

  4. You are one seriously lucky SOB. I have to ride ten miles to get out of suburbia, either north to the city, or south to the farm lands (west is the river, east is death trap interstates). Nice scenery for WHATEVER kinda ride, from the looks of this video!

  5. The world has enough ‘look at the extreme shit I did!’ vids to last a lifetime. Your simple foray was oddly entertaining. The music set just the right tone.

  6. Ein Reich. Ein Volk. Ein Salvadoran skidloader. Meh; see it every day on the job.