He may have been on two skis instead of two wheels, but the same rules apply. Be careful whose line you follow.
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
He may have been on two skis instead of two wheels, but the same rules apply. Be careful whose line you follow.
Yikes! Anyone know how it turned out for this dude in the end? Guessing broken but alive….hope so.
….not that he is broken but that he lives
It was at Telluride. Skier is ok with minor shoulder injuries.
That was AWESOME. I ski like that all the time.
And yet you live.
Yet another insightful comment from joetheelectrician.
Well I just got back from Lake Tahoe yesterday. We got hammered by a storm at Alpine Meadows on Saturday, the snow surface was a dream but you couldn’t see shit. Shredded the Headwall at Squaw Valley all afternoon on Sunday— my 40th ski day this season. The chairlifts will turn only a few more week at my home ski hill, then I get to watch it rain and wish I could ride for a couple of months until cycling season gets here. The mud seasons are harsh in the Pacific Northwest.
Great story Mikey.
Glad that dude lived.