Well, it’s January, which means it’s time for my yearly existential crisis.
This existential crisis means I recently applied for a job in a bike shop. Looks like I’m going to get it, too. I won’t whine about it, I promise, but I want you all to know that I am doing this under duress. Unlike millions of other unemployed Americans, I do not qualify for unemployment benefits. Go figure.
Working in a shop is not and never has been the worst thing in the world. I’ve met a good lot of my friends through shops…would not have gotten the chance to write for Drunkcyclist had I not been a wrench at AZ Bikes when Big Jonny wandered in one day sometime around three in the afternoon. We started drinking beers right then…the shop closed sometime around 7, I think. I can’t remember, really. I was drunk by then. Don’t worry: I’m actually a better wrench when I’m not sober. A year or two later, Gnome asked me if I’d write for this website, since I had the best qualifications you can have: I was both a cyclist and a drunkard. I said hell yes. Now I’m your problem.
Anyway, my point is I can think of worse things to do than turn a wrench. When I was teaching high school English, my hands got soft. I gained twenty pounds. I never had grease ground into my calluses anymore because my calluses were gone. I went into the bike shop (AZ Bikes, Flag Bike Revolution…ya know, the usual suspects) and got nostalgic about it, listening to Tool while I trued yet another cheap steel wheel or fought with the innards of another Manitou fork.
The best time, by the way, to be in any bike shop worth its salt is around six or seven, as long as you have beers in your hands. That’s the key: beers and a good attitude. Closing time is usually around that time. Just relax and stay out of the way as the mechanics and salespeople take care of those last few customers. Hide the beers and stay chill. Once that door is closed, you’ll make a lot of friends because anyone who was worked in a shop knows how badly a beer is needed when your hands are sore from pulling on cables and turning spoke wrenches. The first beers should always go to the mechanics. Give ’em that much and they’ll give a lot back.
The title of this post is taken from a great move called “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints.” Toward the beginning of the movie, the main character introduces himself and says, “I’m Dito and I’m going to leave everyone in this movie.” I feel like I do that all the time with bike shops. There I am, and there I go. But then I’m back again, always changed, always different (In the movie, the character starts out as Shia Labeouf and ends up as Robert Downey, Jr…a good upgrade, if you ask me. I’m not usually that fortunate).
Weird thing, though: every time I come back, the shops are always still there. I bring a beer and say to the mechanics, “first ones are for you.” Next thing I know, I’m on the receiving end of those beers because I’m wrenching again. Is it so bad? No, not really. It’s not what I expected from my life, but it’s just not bad at all. Sometimes even these wander in:

I’ve been thinking for the last eight years about opening my own shop.
Maybe it’s time. Who knows. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize a good mechanic…even if that mechanic is yourself.
and just for the record 3f… i’ve never been to nor do i ever intend to visit the jerszyshore gardenstate. you aren’t even in the game, son. bet you got some killer terrain out there. step up, punk. and stop drinking and posting in the wee hours… personal threats are much easier to make via tired beer lenses.
52 comments! Thanks, guys. You made my day again.
@chapstick malone
I can feel a vacation coming on.
I just need a destination.
I’m tired of my life. How about I take yours ??
This is my first post on this site. I wanna apologize first of all for my retarded younger brother, Chapstick Malone. He doesn’t know what he’s doing or saying ever since he escaped from the mental health center, I’ve been looking for him everywhere. Someone gave me a shout out that he was harassing people on this site. As his older brother I feel kinda responsible for him.
You see when he’s on his meds, he’s actually quite gentle. He sits in the corner naked and drooling and plays handball with his own feces. He entertains himself like that for days.
I just read the police blotter about his escape.
“Subject was last seen running north on Chestnut Street. He is naked. Distinguishing features include wild hair and a wide eyed stare. Also, subject has large dildo inserted in rectum.”
I think it’s the dildo that’s really making him crazy. You see he likes to stick things up his ass. And then they get stuck. And then he gets belligerent. It’s a tricky procedure removing whatever is stuck up his ass. So don’t try it this if you encounter him. Leave it to the pros.
Sorry again for any problems he might have caused on this site. If you see him or he writes back, humor him.
don’t feed the trolls!
So. Which would be worse, being caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy ?
Triple F, no idea you were lived in Franklin. Hit up Chimney Rock one day for me, I miss those trails.
I am too old fat and stupid for a ride like that.
I’ll walk in your honor tho ??
Forgot the link.
As I said I am stupid.
i didn’t see anything homophobic in these posts, it’s about the power to strap that on and overpower the chapstic moron. seriously, if you want to cry about it, cry at the rape/chapstic sucks dick for $ jokes.
judy, just because you are a chick, you don’t have to fucking represent all women in some fucking motherly way that shonchia thinks women should be. way to throw down!
triple F @53 (F*cking Flaming F*ggot I presume)… not too wise to be talking about taking others’ lives. and sorry about your little brother, he must have inherited all those bad genes from your crack-whore mom.
I was the youngest. I did not have a little brother. My older brother Paul did and he raised me where my Father faltered.
And my Momma was not a crack-whore.
She was a lazy fat welfare cheat.
Get it right numbnuts.
@real Gay
shonchia ??
You mean Sanchia ??
Or am I way too drunk ??
I fucked up yet again.
you are way too drunk, stupid, non-salient, and presumably totally lacking any bit of genuine self-efficacy. oh, and yer probably ugly too. and, further, u r surely pastiewhite, farmerjohnonlytanned cottage cheese thighed greezy cheezy gardenstater.
btw, what r u doing on a cycling website? we get the drinking part, but really, is there any other connection? perhaps making idle threats against yer unknown idols. mutant envy?
ya know, we are totally done with this site. u r welkommen. nuke da spores!
Her name is Sonchia Jilek moron. If that is who you are talking aboot.
Otherwise, pinpoint.
Well. I fucked up that href.
My bad.
And just as a question,
How could you possibly fathom how I look from an online post ?
Your retardation knows no bounds.
Dear Shonchia Jilek-chopsticks-rabid-fatbob…or whatever you decide to call yourself today,
I may speak for thousands of rad and loyal DC readers around the globe and say “why the fuck are you here?”
The non stop Flagtard trolling is so played out. Your shit is weak. nobody has “mutant envy”. Really, trust me on that one.
If you ever had the balls to leave a real email addy with your comments I would actually inform you of how insignificant you really are.
DC is a family, united under one cause: to ride bikes, drink beer, and have a shitload of fun
I will make the request of our loyal readers to just IGNORE YOU and your negative banter because it is completely worthless. If you guys can’t ignore them and have to say something, please make it as vicious as you possibly can. We need to police ourselves here and to have 2 lowlifes bring down the whole vibe of the comments is just unacceptable.
if you guys have any questions or concerns about any of this, feel free to email me. I can also see the IP addys of all comments and can tell right away when i think something is fishy, or when it is the same person using 3 different names (like in this post)
don’t feed the trolls
db has spoken.
This thread is over.
But I have to say.
“DC is a family, united under one cause: to ride bikes, drink beer, and have a shitload of fun”
I love that line except ya forgot the period.
Or is that quibbling ??
How ’bout them turtles.
i like vicious.
Toitles ?
Did someone mention toitles ??
OK. I can’t do an href ? I was a web programmer for several years. I can speak HTML/ASP/Perl out my ass. Even drunk. And I ain’t drunk now. Too much snow to shovel for that.
Let’s try that again.
Toitles ?
Did someone mention toitles ??
Dirty, thanks.
TripleF: Dude 22/74 of these comments are yours. Your computer does have an off button, right? You do know sunlight still exists? Ok, just checking.
Sunlight ??
Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone.
Fuck it.
I need to stop drinking.
Been known to sing that song when Mrs. Joe is absent from the Joe Family Compound. Oh dear God how I love that woman.
Hey Joe. Nice to see you back.
jeez fucking wept
how old are you?!….and your a bike mech….about as much skill required as wiping my ass…fuck u, cunt.
I don’t really understand how your comment relates to comment #1…care to elaborate?
D-squared: Congrats on going back to wrenching. I hope it works out well for you. Speaking from far too many years of experience it beats a LOT of other jobs out there. Most days, anyway.
Make sure your work station has one of those really squishy service area mats, and wear comfy socks and sturdy shoes. Hardest part of the readjustment will be on your feet, NOT your hands.
Best –Beth
and to build on beth h’s comment, please make sure to remove the tampon from your ass; take your cock ring out; q-tip your ears; shave your critical pubes; and most of all, remove the catheter from your impish cock. oh, and d2, eat a good breakfast before you reenter the wrenching trenches.
you are such a brave twat. cheers, buddy.
good detective werk, dirtyspore. but wassup with “2 lowlifes”? jeez. you are a downs-child, aren’t you?
Hahhaha….my critical pubes. That’s perhaps the funniest thing I’ve heard on this site since I started reading it. Bob, I’m glad you like me. Please keep providing me with gems like that. As far as I’m concerned, you can stick around as long as you want.