Freestylin’ compilation: My husband is fucking rad.

I gave my buddy Pippin our flip video a couple months ago and he put together this little video for me. It’s a compilation of Dominic’s 2011 Flatland sessions and I wanted to share it with ya’ll. Gnome can be seen at 2:49.


I really appreciate Pippin taking the time to do this. You can check out more of Pippin’s bad ass moto videos here.

About Judi

Bicycles are my salvation. They are my way of life. If you don't like it, then you can go straight to hell. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

31 Replies to “Freestylin’ compilation: My husband is fucking rad.”

  1. I’m pumped now, thanks, damn this flu, must go ride to the gym and try to break shit (probably just break myself and get sicker). Great song too.

  2. i could watch it over and over again. this video totally reflects his personality. note the perma-smile he has when he’s riding. just a 38 year old guy enjoying the fuck out of his bike. pippin – thanks again.

  3. Damn Dom, your a baller ass BMXican. That was off the hook, and your smile was ear to ear the whole time. Werds up!

  4. Thx for sharing! Dom definitely makes me smile – You can tell he loves it. Who is the band?

  5. “My husband is fucking rad” I think that’s the best thing any wife has ever said about any husband. Nicely done ya’ll.

  6. hey, I can do at least half those tricks at least half way… the difference is I scream like a little girl and land on my face in the dirt.

  7. I look at this vid and think:

    a) that dude has mad skillz, and

    b) if I tried even one of those tricks I would crush my testicles like grapes

  8. Most impressive! Watching this gives me inspiration to get out on my flat for a session. Cheers!

  9. Dominic *is* rad. He’s got those 80s tricks dialed in nicely. The lawnmower at 2:16 was always my personal favorite for style points. I like to think that had I never sold my 20″ ride for whatever I blew the money on I might be half as smoove as Dom, so give him props. The Hammer guards are a sweet old school nod…I think I still have my neon green ones buried in a box somewhere. The Fucking Champs sound different, but I haven’t listened to anything beyond I, II or III…

  10. I’m sitting here with a tore up hamstring that I got ON THE FUCKING JOB, for fuck’s sake. No work til at least next Thursday. No bike for probably two weeks. That video, and especially Dom’s big ol’ grin, was the best medicine I could ask for. Thanks, guys.

  11. @chris, he kept getting kicked out of there. or worse, dom would try to talk to the kids skating there, and they’d diss him cuz he’s an old man.

  12. If he was REALLY old he’d do as he damned pleases. Wouldn’t give a rat’s ass what some juvenile piece of shit thinks. Nevermind how I know this.

  13. @Judi: Great! And he’s only old when he runs out of energy to do the stuff he loves, so he’s clearly still a kid!
    @Sparky: Are you hiding your origins or is “that man from middle earth” translating for you? (Apologies for the hijack)

  14. A Babel fish to be exact.

    Good on you Joe, a fellow hitchhiker, I’ll bet that you’ve also got a towel.