This morning I woke up from a bad night of sleep and started off not in a good mood- felt kind of like taking the shot gun (I live in the country pretty much) and blasting a few rounds in the sky but that didn’t happen. I went out and hung with my goats and my super rad Rooster Cromeo to see if that would help and it got me giggling a bit. Funny how a few minutes of bad feelings are changed by some funny creatures just being themselves. I don’t feel like being a bastard today so I dug up a bunch of shit that makes me giggle from my past. And you know what? I also grabbed a Feel Free drink to improve my mood. I hope you find the sweet spot today and truly find joy in the food thats put in front of you or if you find joy in starting a food fight, then do so.
I’ll start off with some nice banjo music from the movie Deliverance, it just gets the foot a tappin’.
I don’t know if you all have seen Better off Dead but there is a Camaro scene that just is one of my favorite parts of the movie, check it. If you have seen it, you need to watch the whole thing to understand where I am coming from.
My Dad took me to see American Flyers growing up, I believe I saw it at the Portland Metro theatre. The one scene of going out to go riding with Eddie was hands down my favorite, I think it had to do with going for road ride with my father and actually having dogs out in the country come barreling ass after you- the only thing you could do is pedal fast and spay the dog down with your water bottle. This is scene never gets old.
When the movie ET came out, I was just getting into racing bmx and realized I need some E.T. for my crew…
As I got more familiar with a bmx bike growing up and watching our local paper boy do wheelies down my whole block, I found out there was maybe a career for me in delivering the newspapers. I remember after watching Rad, I was not good enough for their paper route.
I think this movie is the only reason why I ever wanted a road bike…
Well shit, let me leave you off with the last song that went through my iPod and made my day…
Happy Thanksgiving DC folks! Eat well, make sure there is T-pee for the guest and take a spoon full of those yams with marsh mellow crap in it and chuck it at the wall.
I SO want that dog.
Cavey would understand.
Happy Thanksgiving peeps.
Cavey, Puppy prime! Sprint! (Although, I don’t think anyone is ever that calm during a puppy prime.)
Triple, My ex had a dog very similar to that. About 2-3″ taller. Best trail dog ever. Four legs beats two wheels on everything but the downhills. Lucy would run for 15mi crash for an hour and be ready to go again. Miss that dog. Don’t miss the ex.
Happy Thanksgiving y’all.
@TripleF, fuck that was so rad! thanks for sharing! I’ve got my 11 month old dog on the trail program. She was loving the pump track till she got buzzed by the tire in her bum- I think it took some fur off. She’s all about the single track so far for about a hour. Its funny how she loves trail but once we get to the double track she gets bored.
@el jefe, yes sir that is a puppy prime- you better win it or you’ll loose a shoe.
….spay the dog down with your water bottle….
That’s some outstanding vetinary skills
“I Want My Two Dollars!!”
Its nov25 ,and because I was trained to ride away from banjo music.Though I make some exceptions Bela FLeck ,Dixie Chicks.I’m not good at links ,but check out”Cycling in to the Dark”Van. B.C. to Tuktoyuktuk for a swim.Is he drunk?
…‘built ford tough’…
…& the ‘american flyers’ clip ended with a quick glimpse of old amigo bill woodul…
…forever a tip of the ol’ cycling cap to a guy who schooled a lotta folks in what it means to be a responsible cyclist, whether you were a racer or not…