This past Halloween, I did not party like in years past, mostly because I don’t really know anyone here in Colorado Springs to party with. In lieu of drunken debauchery, I went to a Halloween criterium put on by the Women’s Mountain Biking Association of Colorado Springs, and I’ll tell ya, I had a damn good time. I didn’t ride, but I did take some photos, which are here for your perusal. Gotta give props to a badass local organization. Any group that gets the ladies on bikes is good in my book, and this was a helluva event: fun for the adults, fun for the kiddies. Lots of cool schwag to be won as well. More events like this need to happen…
Bike people. They’re good people.
**As a disclaimer, all photos are copyright © 2011 D2 Photography

om my god dont steal the photo
dagknome D2 you all killa with the kodak instamatic! thanks for the post
Yes, Nik, you’re right…because no one’s ever stolen photos off the internet.
d2, thanks for sharing. i love it. the kids, the moms, the costumes. +1.
Yeah man! Awesome shit. Thanks.
Great post D2.
Halloween is not a traditional NZ celebration & has only appeared here in the last 5 or so years primarily driven by big box retailers selling cheap shit & creating a market.
Therefore I’m opposed to it.
However this is a Halloween celebration that I’d absolutely support!
It’s all about the kids these days. I was just out on a few days of adventure with my little man. Skate park, oak creek, a little hiking, some movies. You know, standard shit. And you know? It’s the tops, every time. No doubt about it.
grate pix. you’d think if a cow could jump over the moon one should be able to clean a curb. glad i wasn’t drinking anything
@Saddle sushi: is that you in the pic? I’ve got two more to complete the sequence!
actually meant, if i had been drinking i would have sprayed it all over my moniter when i laughed out loud. if i had been on the ride, drinking would have been imperative, quite possibly ”
Gotcha….yea, you should have seen it in person. There’s that moment when you wait to see if he’s okay, then you laugh your balls off.