Happy fucking New Year.

The temps ventured above freezing for the 1st time in weeks and all the snow melted. Today the sun came out and my computer read 61 degrees. On fucking New Year’s eve. Everyone headed outdoors to ride, even Dominic rode to work. I felt giddy with excitement as my workday came to an end. When I clocked out at 3pm, I hopped on my bike and headed downtown to meet my old tri -training buddy, Amanda.

nye ride

We used to train a bunch together. She’s way too fucking fast for me now. She goes to Worlds and shit. Say all you want about triathletes, but the ones that can handle a bike are super fun to ride with. Plus, they’ll pull you all day long. So she put the hammer down and I just hung on for the ride. Two and a half hours on the road and what a damn good way to end 2010.

Headed to Low Brow’s now for a chill night.
Be safe out there ya’ll.
Don’t drink and drive.

About Judi

Bicycles are my salvation. They are my way of life. If you don't like it, then you can go straight to hell. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

10 Replies to “Happy fucking New Year.”

  1. 61 degrees!?
    It was 25F overnight and later today (New year’s Day) it should top out at a balmy 37F. We are going nowhere and doing nothing today.
    Have a fantastic 2011 with plenty of excellent miles –hugs -B

  2. I rode my bike every day this year. Fixed, even. In the rain, yet. Uphill both ways, no less. But that’s how I start out every year. We shall see what we shall see.

  3. I got out and skied fifteen days during December, nothin’ wrong with a month like that.

  4. Oh, and BTW, tell your Euro friends it’s 1/1/11, not fucking 1/1/11, jeebus already.

  5. …admirable accomplishment, joe…now ya only got 364 more to follow through on…

    …jeez, mikey…you’re treatin’ this whole cycling/skiing thingy like it’s a fucking lifestyle…you tryin’ to stay healthy & enjoy life or something ???…keep at it, bud…

    …& i’m gonna suggest we all need a ‘happy fucking new year’

    …have one…

  6. BGW, i hope you have a good NY too.

    just checked the mileage on my computer that Dominic put on my road bike last march. 4,439 miles. and that’s just my road bike. yowsa.

  7. Hey, it’s a start. “Well begun is half done” sort of thing. I’ve a sneaky suspicion things will go south when the rainy weather hits.

  8. It was -18 here yesterday. My pipes have been frozen all day. Not a drop of water coming out of the faucets. I went outside and my boogers froze.

    Happy New Year indeed. 2011 is cold!

  9. 37 degrees…Celsius here today…sorry…southern hemisphere and all that…I’ve never seen snow, but you have my sympathies…