Hell Its About Time Its Friday Posted on December 17, 2010 by Snake VH1 Reality Show Bus Crashes In California Causing Major Slut Spill. Be safe out there this weekend.
“Stay safe out there… and don’t fuck any of those sluts.” This was the most wonderfully wasted 2 minutes of my work day. Bless you, Gnome.
er… apparently I’m a moron. I meant to thank Snake. I can’t read. I was disoriented after all that slut action.
…the nice thing about sluts is, you don’t don’t hear ’em use scary words like “relationship” & “commitment”… …thank jeebus for sluts…
Wait, if you don’t want relationships and commitments, you’re a slut? I thought it just made you smart.
…you’re just better off if you stick to sluts who don’t have 10 & 12 letter words in their vocabulary… …remember the ‘kiss’ principal…“keep it simple, stupid”, as in “here baby, kiss this”…if a good slut is intuitive, she’ll reply “oh yummy”… …you’ll know you’re there…
so. i heard they were heading to tucson for the most amazingest party to ever happen. are they still going to be able to make it.
yep. that made the day.
“Stay safe out there… and don’t fuck any of those sluts.”
This was the most wonderfully wasted 2 minutes of my work day. Bless you, Gnome.
er… apparently I’m a moron. I meant to thank Snake. I can’t read. I was disoriented after all that slut action.
i love sluts
…the nice thing about sluts is, you don’t don’t hear ’em use scary words like “relationship” & “commitment”…
…thank jeebus for sluts…
Wait, if you don’t want relationships and commitments, you’re a slut? I thought it just made you smart.
…you’re just better off if you stick to sluts who don’t have 10 & 12 letter words in their vocabulary…
…remember the ‘kiss’ principal…“keep it simple, stupid”, as in “here baby, kiss this”…if a good slut is intuitive, she’ll reply “oh yummy”…
…you’ll know you’re there…
so. i heard they were heading to tucson for the most amazingest party to ever happen. are they still going to be able to make it.