I was just sipping my coffee, listening to Against Me!, and going through some photos from the past year. When I stumbled upon this gem:

A bunch of grown men at a skate park goofing off. It seems likeĀ a pretty good way to start a Monday.
Keep it Dirty…
If I was the man I was ten years ago I’d still be too old for them monkeyshines. Never get tired of watching, though.
nice vert d00d
^^^That too.
I’m about to go replicate this, except on 26″ wheels. Shred deadly.
+1. im all for grown men hanging out at skateparks.
rad gutbar air, bro!!!! keep it squirly!
fuckin’ shit right! That is the right song for Monday folks! keeping it fucking dirty for sure…
it’s monday. i’m in love.