What might have been

It is far too easy to judge the choices a man makes when you haven’t ridden a 100 miles in his shoes. Even if those shoes are hiking boots.

Should I have ever been headed for classic or Tour podiums surely I would have entered the full-blown ’roid ranks. Dangle Liège or Paris glory in my face and there is no question both feet would have crossed that line. No one wants to hear that but it is very true. Whether it be the blood of bulls or goats, I would have drunk from that cup in a heartbeat for any measure of that glory.


About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

11 Replies to “What might have been”

  1. He’s a liar, and a cheat.

    Welcome back to the dirtiest sport in the world.

    If we cheer the likes of him coming back………. there really is no hope for this sport of cycling.

  2. Seriously Ice…Alexi was one of the old school dopers who learned from Eddy B. Him and all those other fucks from the 84 Olympic team were the grandfathers of American Cheating.

    Fuck him and his work boots.

    BTW: If you want to hear what a bunch of dickheads those guys were, listen to the Mark Whitehead interview at The Competitors. He was the guy who got sick and blew the lid off the whole blood doping thing.


    What an effin’ toolbox.


  3. Doesn’t matter what the fuck he did back in the 80s – anyone with the balls to tow a trailer to and from work *that* kind of distance is a bad-ass. If he has a chance, I probably do to.

  4. sorry hoovis…i kind of like the road warrior psycho get it on guy
    get alexi in the ring…chances are that he would fair well
    his essay/appologie wans’t a ripple in the public eye, howevever it was the most truthful account of what he went thru…first hand
    i would love to see the guy kick some ass
    what would be sweet is to see mini phinney and another play out the continental card

  5. Those in the know in CO say he’s crazy. Lost it completely upstairs. Sad really, he an his brother rode year round like a July-doping Armstrong.

    ’84 Olympics were a joke, but he did ride a sweet ass Pinarello!

  6. …i thank you, senor hoovis, for linking the ‘mark whitehead’ interview…i thought it was amazingly informative in that it filled in a lotta the details of a time period that i now find i only knew of peripherally…

    …but i think i got a different ‘take’ on it than you…as gianni prefaces this article “It is far too easy to judge the choices a man makes when you haven’t ridden a 100 miles in his shoes…”

    …just as i don’t condone the use of “enhancements” now, neither did i then but reality is reality…both mark whitehead & alexi grewal’ are not only straight up honest about their involvement, they offer reasons as to why the incentive was so great in that rarefied air…

    …i was certainly never good enough or dedicated enough to reach the lofty heights but had i been, i wonder if a teammate or a coach had said “bgw, you’re one of the best…wanna get better ???”, would i have taken the chance or just stayed home with the gang ???…

    …i’d like to think i’d have had the integrity to step away & be honest but i never got to walk in those shoes…

    …like anyone else, i can only speculate…

  7. …humpty…while this post was a completely different subject in a completely different time-frame, ya, if you want me to agree w/ you, i did read that article & i fully agree with you that the lance-ster, along w/ a lotta guys “used” stuff…seems in light of the evidence there’s little doubt, ya ???…

    …you see, amigo, i’m not afraid to learn more facts & if i’ve been wrong, own up to it…at the same time, that doesn’t mean i’m in one camp or the other…like you, i’m an intelligent human being but i’m also pragmatic (not saying you’re not) enough to look at this situation from a ‘world view’ & from my ‘pov’ there are other unwritten aspects…

    …i’ve even admitted that i know the guy can act like a ‘dick’ to people not on ‘the list’ & to be honest, i’m becoming appalled by not just the constant denial but the heavy handed tactics against those who oppose him but personally, i still see good in certain of his actions…

    …i’d also suggest, drugs or not, the simple fact that any fucking person could stay (mostly) upright & healthy enough to win 7 fucking ‘tours’ in a row is simply amazing…

    …to deny that, is to deny ‘le tour de france’ the depth it presents…

    …separate aside…i give total props to nyvelocity for their interviews (& humor) in that they are seldom constrained by time/length & both schmalz & shen have an intelligent, friendly & disarming interview style that allows their subjects to speak freely…highly under-rated site in my opinion…