File this one under Inspirational
Thanks to nyhc00 for sending over the link
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
File this one under Inspirational
Thanks to nyhc00 for sending over the link
My wife was in a wheelchair for a year and a half. Just getting from point “A” to point “B” was about all the adrenaline we could handle.
I’m usually not much for “extreme sports” (if that’s what it’s supposed to be) but that young man is an amazing and courageous athlete.
good thing some people out there just don’t give a fuck and go for it no matter what.
^^^That too.
I’m with nyhc all way, no doubt dude. Props
I had the kind of day where I thought I got alot done, till I saw this.
Quote: “Again”. “Another”.
I didn’t do dick today. This kid rocks, I wish I were half as badass.
May not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but ya gotta admire a kid who keeps on leanin’ in like that.
that kid needs that chair to carry his huge balls.
“Not the sharpest tool in the shed”? Not cool, mikey. Not cool at all.
F*^#n’ bad ass! “One more, one more…”