40 is the new 20 bitches.

Where to begin. It’s been a hell of a couple weeks for me.

To start, today’s my 40th. I’m not all emotional about it. I am kind of proud of it. I started telling people I was 40 two months ago. Plus you know, that race age shit. Anyways. No big plans. I am actually working all day. From home. Dominic made me breakfast and walked the dogs while I got in a ride before clocking in.

It was a pretty weird ride. OB had me doing some intervals. I ride in the city a lot, especially for these shorter rides before work. I headed downtown and through the west end and then onto a flat busy street called Spring Grove. Some crazy bitch in an SUV honked at me for no reason at all, which I am used to. But then she started hollering some shit at me I couldn’t hear because I had headphones on. She kept driving along side me, on this busy street in fucking morning rush hour, yelling at me. I flipped her off and ran a couple red lights to get away from her but she caught back up to me. This went on for a good 3 miles. I memorized her plate and yelled it out to her, pulled out my phone and proceeded to pull over and call 911. She took off and I gave the 911 operator her plate # but they said all I could really do is file a police report against her. So then it was time to go get those intervals done. I ventured into Northside and found a flat side street. One minute fullonblastallballsout and one minute recovery. Up and down the street I did this x15. The little taste of puke in my throat on the last effort made OB happy. Then I headed home, which was only about 7 miles away. About a 1/2 mile from my house, while fucking with the cable to my front derailleur, I crashed into a tree. I went right into it. I jumped up really fast to look around and see if anyone saw, and a bunch of dope boys come around and asked if I was ok. Then we all started laughing, and one guy with a phone said he was putting it on You Tube.

Wild ride for sure.

In other news, I made a kind of big announcement on my blog. I am pretty stoked. I even got a tweet from Bill Strickland asking for an invite.

I also found myself in a church basement last week. Sometimes I gotta check myself because shit happens and my head is always going to be fucked up. It felt good to be there. I am going back again very, very soon.

Oh, and I started therapy. Good times, good times. Even Gnome agrees I am angrier than him.

That’s all I got for now. Have a great weekend.

Dominic got me this cool little airplane gadget thingie for my birthday. It’s gonna make me fast.

About Judi

Bicycles are my salvation. They are my way of life. If you don't like it, then you can go straight to hell. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

26 Replies to “40 is the new 20 bitches.”

  1. Well shit, girlfriend,

    congrats on the wedding. congrats on the basement sanitarium effort. And congrats on that badass bike airplane doodad.

    Keep the rubber side hot & bothered.

  2. I am much happier at 40 than I was at 30. Embrace it.

    Congratulations to you and Dom.

    Do not ever let them take away the anger. Sometimes I am happiest when I am good and pissed. If I were not mad sometimes I would know that someone was feeding me Prozac with my froot loops. And what fun would that be?

  3. Happy Birthday from a fellow 40 year old. I’m in the best riding shape of my life, and I’m sure you could tear my legs off. Keep it badass.

    This October will be my 10th wedding anniversary and I can’t imagine the shell of a man I would be single. Mazel Tov to you. Dominic sounds like a real mensch.

  4. Judi— I’m sorry, I missed the YouTube link to your tree crash, can you re-post it? :)

    That aircraft-themed accessory is maybe even cooler than le Coq Sportif. Impressive.

  5. Many happy returns, dear. But don’t let anyone kid you. It ain’t the years. It’s the miles. And congrabulation on the upcoming nuptials.

  6. Hey Judi,
    as a fellow ‘natian go who is 41 grab some Skyline and chill the f@#k out. You’re probably faster now than you could have been when you were 25 because you now care, go RIP!

  7. turn 40 in 6 weeks and I’m dreading it… At least I know I’m not about to go guy some sports car for my midlife crisis. Mabye a motorcycle…. nah….. a cross bike… yeah.

  8. 1st: congrats!! big time. (me & mine been married 10 years, hope yours is as fun as mines)
    2nd: oh mang there go all ‘jerky’ times of me & you, no wait this may have added a hole nutter level!
    3rd: its a sick work, hope that didn’t scare ya.
    4th: did I say congrats? and BTW: 40 is MILF-y oh so so so

  9. Wait till you approach 50. “Youth is wasted on the young” takes on cataclysmic meanings…Congrats from a total stranger.

  10. hope you found what you were looking for in that basement.

    “For the one who can’t break the addictions and chains. who try to give up but you come back again just remember you’re not alone in your shame and your suffering.”

    happy birthday.

  11. Marriage is a great thing when it is with the right person, and it sounds like you’ve found the right dude. Congrats! And if you ever find the YouTube video of your run-in with the tree, please post the link. That would be cool. Not double rainbow cool, but cool nonetheless.

  12. Damn, you’re a bunch of old bastards!! Any-who, congrats on the upcoming wedding. I have been married 4 years now and I can honestly say my life would not be as fulfilling without my wife and 2 children. All that hot 22 yr old co-ed ass is nowhere near as satisfying as monogamy. J/K

  13. Happy Birthday Judi.
    I figure I’m 40 going on 15, so 20 makes you very mature.
    Keep going to those basements, it works for someone I love.
    Ciao, Bjorn.

  14. Happy Birthday & Excellent, excellent news.

    I wish you everything of the best & may all your days together be happy ones.

    BGW has my email address, send me a postal address & I’ll pop something in the mail.

    That’s so cool.


  15. I want one of those.

    Approaching someone from the back, jink left . jink right, on their wheel, finally have you in my sights..

    BudhBBudhBudhBudhBudhBudhBudhBudhBudhBudhBudh!! (insert machine gun sound here)

    Crash & burn Bitch as I flash past.

    Alternatively, a spinning propeler is just so cool

  16. glad to hear you went to a meeting. more in the future too? peer support works. was it mixed or women only? i live with a guy who has stopped going. he’s now a dry drunk, a total anxious out of control moron since he kicked his addict girlfriend out of here in may. the other guy who lives here is working the program; he’s sincere, earnest, enthusiastic about it. he’s great to be around (except when that restless/irritable/discontent creeps up – but then he has the sense to talk to his sponsor.)

  17. @dolak, it’s fucked. addicts who just quit, are still the same fucked up individuals inside their head. it’s the obsession, compulsion, and the fucking insanity. “working” a program has always been a scary commitment for me but i am going back. last week’s meeting was very cool, i cried a bunch but laughed a bunch too. i have a shitload of friends in both NA and AA.

  18. Hey Judi, Happy birthday all the way from South Africa.

    You’re a very bright star.

    Go well.

  19. You need to phone those in as a vehicle being driven erratically
    That will garner a swift response
    Do not mention your conveyance