Somebody sign him already.

Look. He said what he did. He came clean. Took him years, but he did it.

Someone step up and sign the guy already. Reward truthfulness. Encourage other to do the same in like situations. Push the ball forward. Clean up the sport.

The alternative is that other cyclists will continue to deny everything. Because denial is rewarded. Because lying is condoned. Because falsity is sanctioned.

Credit to for the pic.
Credit to for the pic.

He should not be alone in this.

You can read about the Nevada City Classic, where Floyd Landis finished fourth wearing an off-the-hanger comerically avaiable jersey and raced alone, at

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

62 Replies to “Somebody sign him already.”

  1. I don’t think coming back to MTB is the answer for Landis. There is no money in it. Also, he was good at the regional level, but was off the back at the National level.

    Landis needs to go away and get a job. Maybe some of you Landis lovers can put him to work, whore him out or something like that.

  2. Wow, read this site everyday and can’t have been more anti this BS post than anything that’s ever graced these pages!! Fuck Floyd!! Fuck him hard, make an example of him!!

    Give him another chance? WTF???

    He’s like a naughty kid who turns on everyone else to try and save his own skin… While the “let him race” crowd is at it, maybe we should pardon Bernie Madoff, I mean he’s come clean!! What about paedophile kiddy fiddlers who admit that what they did was wrong, shall we let them teach at the local school??

    What the fuck, he’s a cheat, and is dragging the sport even lower!! I’d be happy never to see his lie-ing cheating ass on a bike ever again… And I’m not singling him out – you cheat, you take drugs, fuck off, go find another sport!!!

    I love this sport, I put pro’s on a pedestal, and have done from a very young age!!! So when you tear that down, and lie and lie and lie!!! WTF!!!

  3. Floyd, if you’re going to rock the Bastard kit, you should have went with Dirty Bastard. It’s obviously more fitting and DB is the ale by which all other Bastards are measured.

  4. Won’t happen, even if truthfulness deserves reward.

    In the end, he’s a snitch and nobody likes a snitch.

  5. Here’s a different angle on this for those who contributed to/or are upset about the defense fund.

    What he was defending were the RESULTS OF A SINGLE DRUG TEST- he was not defending the concept that he took PEDs his entire career. Again, now that the truth is out, the question still remains- were the tests accurate for THAT PARTICULAR STAGE?

    I believe in whistleblowers- we are our brother’s keeper.
    Burn the entire system to the ground and build it right. Or, build it DIFFERENTLY- with the individualized genetic testing/biological passports, let them use PEDs but within boundaries that EQUALIZE each person to the other- that way, the “Lance Excuse”(I train harder, longer, faster, etc more than anyone else), will be truthful

    Call me Utopian, Cynical, Stupid, Short-Sighted- this is just my 2 pesos

  6. To further that different angle, suppose professional cyclist A does a shit ton of drugs. A has done so his entire pro career. He knows his way around PEDs, what to take for what reason, the side effects, the benefits. He knows what he is taking, when he is taking it, how long it will be in his system. Simply stated, A has been evading the testing procedures for years. He is confident he can continue doing so.

    Then A gets busted. Drug testing authority B says professional cyclist A took banned substance X.

    A knows he did not take X. He took Y & Z, and a lot of it. But not X.

    (Or, for a slightly different wrinkle, A did not take X in the amount drug testing authority B claims that he did.)

    A fights test results. B defends test results.

    Is this plausible? Maybe. Maybe not. But, I find it damn near as believable as anything else.

    We may actually have two failed protagonists in this story, where both parties are wrong. A may have been taking other drugs (still a “cheater,” but implicated falsely in the present failed test), and B might, either knowingly or unknowingly, have a flawed testing procedure (which may wrongly implicate other professional cyclists if left uncorrected). Do two wrong make a right? Can they in this situation?

  7. I went to the FFF dinner in Snottsdale, paid some dough to support him. I am not bitter and he was not there spouting that he was clean, the whole thing was about how the system was flawed. And it is…in a fucked up bad way. His Testosterone came back 264% above the limit, based on that alone the test should have been thrown out. The lab did not and does not follow procedure.
    I am not defending his cheating, what i am saying is that you have to look at things from another perspective. He cheated, got busted, then those that introduced him to the madness continue to get away with it but turn their backs on him.
    Whether it is guilt or vengeance I DON’T FUCKING CARE! If Floyd is the impetus behind our sport changing for the better and he has to take down Hincapie, Barry, DZ, and anyone else especially LA then SO FUCKING BE IT!

  8. Couldn’t believe my eyes! big jonny supporting this weasel cuts me deep. I haven’t felt as much despise as i feel for Landis since Canseco whored his soul for publicity. These people don’t give a shit about “doing what’s right”. For cycling or anything else.

  9. …i will always believe that someone in the lab not only fucked up but did it intentionally in the landis case…landis is an intelligent chap who admits to using other “stuff” but not testosterone in that instance…a reading of 246% above “normal” is too “off” to even be a procedural mistake…gimme a break…

    …i still go w/ the theory that after 7 straight tour wins by armstrong, which had the french apoplectic over “their” tour, when landis shows up for year 8 with <i?"yellow jersey" written all over him, some wealthy french patriot sez “pas bon, monsieur, enough is enough !!!”

    …a key to a hidden swiss account, not to be touched until retirement, a few manipulations late night in the lab & “viola…these clever riders & their well financed doctors don’t look to good in the public eye, now, mais oui ???”

    …floyd admits to cheating but even while he’s scorned by so many, he still maintains that the results from “that” test were flawed…i believe him 100%…

    …& i believe someone at the chatenay mabray laboratory profited…

  10. My problem with Floyd isn’t that he rode dirty.

    My problem with Floyd isn’t that he denied it.

    My problem with Floyd isn’t that he availed himself to due process and required his accusers to prove he doped.

    My problem with Floyd is he begged money from people who put their faith in him, knowing that it was a charade.

    My problem with Floyd is that he thrashed Greg LeMond who only offered his support and wanted to help him in exposing the doping problems in cycling.

    My problem with Floyd is he threw Greg LeMond under the bus and help make public one of the LeMond’s most personal and painful experiences in his life.

    Fuck Floyd. I hope never gets a sponsorship. I hope he dies penniless.