I try to keep it bike around here, I really do. Sometimes things come through that aren’t very bike at all. This is one such item. This site is based in Arizona, as much as it is based anywhere. I’m in Phoenix and Gnome is up in Flagstaff. Things are a bit wacky around here as of late. My man Santiego has been contributing emails, thoughts and images to the site for years. He was the guy that printed one of the series of DC t-shirt. He’s been waist deep in the bike game south of the border for years. And, he has something to share from his perspective.
From: Santiego
Saludos a todos y cuidado al andar por Arizona.
Loosely translated, he says “Greetings to all, take care walkling in Arizona.”
These are the images he sent. What do you think of the law we call, simply, 1070? (wiki here)
Lien, do as you must.
That could get interesting, bj.