Just a reminder that on today, Memorial Day, that we remember our fallen Soldiers that have fought for our country. Regardless of how one feels about war (current, and or past), we should respect our fallen brothers and sisters. If you’ve never been to Arlington, or any other military type resting place, I suggest that you go, look around the hallowed grounds. It’s awe inspiring.
“All gave some. Some gave all.”
Proppa. Thanks Giant.
Everyone have a pbr and take a moment to remember the guys and gals that didnt make it back. Well said joe
and welcome home major beth!
They gave their tommorrows, for our todays. Try any of the Normandy cemeterys. Just humbling…..respect.
Been to Arlington a few times. I was humbled. I was sort of not impressed with parents letting their kids run and scream around, but alas, it happens at big tourist attractions, even ones that should be silent, and respected. Saw the changing of the guard, and have met a few of those guys, and again, humbling stuff. Stopped by really quick once to one of the Normandy cemeteries as well, and again, amazing.
…when you see the “presidio” site here in sf w/ a little american flag next to every grave, row upon row upon row, if that doesn’t catch in your throat & give you a bit of a shiver, then perhaps you don’t understand…
Two weeks ago, I attended a vet’s burial service at Tahoma National Cemetery. On arrival, it was tempting to think the guys there were just going through the motions, but it was a very moving service. We miss ye, Mary Theresa,
It’s like a salute, but it comes from the heart. I like it. Thanks, mikey.
…i agree…& like it sez “it’s not about politics”…
…right or wrong, the issues come down to human lives…
…may i never be so intellectually jaded over those issues that i lose sight of that…
it does bring shivers to my skin and lumps to my throat thinking of the sacrifices of some. remembering those who gave is very important to me.
I had a grandfather apparently. He died in WWII when a U.S. squadron bombed an unmarked japanese vessel thought to be providing material support to the opposition. Instead, the vessel housed a scattering of POW’s. He, my grandfather, was a tank commander. Got caught somehow. He wrote home often. Supposedly he survived the Bataan Death March. His friend on the POW boat, asked if he (Albert was his name) wanted to join him topside for a smoke. He declined. The bombs fell. That was the last of my grandfather. His friend survived. Prior to that, he knocked up my grandma out of wedlock in the early 1940’s. It didn’t go over so well. My Dad was raised by two hardened women in a family not naturally inclined to be his own if you consider a paternal (American) point of view. My dad, therefore, is a hard ass. I love him.
All day I’ve been thinking about a man I know of, but never knew. Grandpa Al. I’ve had a few understandings come about from it:
1. Smoking really isn’t that bad.
2. Taking things too serious is inheritable.
3. Always be thankful for the complaining we can do.
4. I will always regret my fear of enlisting. A privilege provided to me on the backs of the enlisted.
5. Thank you Grandpa.
This is how I spent my Memorial Day.
Now, time to call Grandma.
my dad, ran away from home @ age 16, joined the South African Air force, served in the Middle East, Crete, Italy in WW2, from what he told me, he had a fucking ball.
Me, I got pushed into national service at 17, spent 12 months in combat up in Northern Namibia/ Angloa, thereafter spent 3 months every 2 year up there gettng the shit shot out of you, only to now be told that you were the bad guys!
Wonderfull when your daughter comes to you to ask what part you played in this.
I loved my Dad & I’m sorry that I did not live up to his expectations, you loved your GrandPa & full credit to him.
If we turn out to be half the people that they were we would have done good.
@ to Mikey, wonderfull video, absolutely full respect to these men & women, they are so awesome.