Tuesdays with Dirty: Where the pavement Ends

It’s almost Wednesday as I type this and I have to be to work in about 6 hours, but that can all wait. I’m fresh off another road trip and this week found me in Joshua Tree National Park. Before I hit the road I decided to throw some monster truck tires ( 700×38) on the cross bike to assist in some dirt road exploring. This turned out to be a pretty good decision. The picture below shows the sight that I was fortunate enough to encounter dozens of times this weekend, in and around the park

P3300101I learned a few things this weekend that may be worth passing on. The first occurred flipping through the iPod while driving through the mind numbing expanse of the Mojave desert. I revisited a couple albums by the band Wisdom in Chains and they really got me through the drive. Its just some good old fashioned, blue collar hardcore and it’s alright with me. The second was a new (to me) beer. The Bells, Two Hearted Ale is delicious and now distributed in the southwest. I’m an east coaster that has relocated to the west, and this beer makes me feel like I have been missing out on some fantastic mid-west brews. I guess it’s better to be late to the party then never get there at all.

Until next week…keep it dirty.

About Dirty biker

I am a fan of singletrack, singlespeeds, single women and single malt. Bisbee, AZ - Follow on Instagram @dirty_biker

7 Replies to “Tuesdays with Dirty: Where the pavement Ends”

  1. Gotta love the Bells. Kalamazoo’s finest. And VERY mtb friendly…they sponsor a team. Had an awesome day last year cruising up to Fort Custer for some sweet singletrack followed by a stop at the Bell’s Brewery.

    Try the Oberon for the summer.

  2. I get 2L growler fills on Fridays from my favorite watering hole. Friday is Bell’s day 1/2 price!

  3. …and it seems that i can’t score a decent beer in this town for less than six dollars. way to rub it in, buck