Biker Down

From: John
Subject: One more slap on the wrist/face…man-who-struck-and-killed-bicyclist-with-car-in-northfield-township-sentenced-to-probation

I wonder if the killers driving privileges were revoked? I doubt it.

I rode Bartlett today, almost got clipped twice, and had one asshole honk at me, when I was way to the right of the little fog line I had, and I have the right to be left of the line. No wonder everyone here carries a gun.

From the article:

A driver who struck and killed a bicyclist with his car last June in Northfield Township was sentenced today to two years of probation.

Joshua Hidey, 23, of Whitmore Lake, who pleaded no contest to negligent homicide, was sentenced by Washtenaw County Circuit Judge David Swartz.

. . . On June 5, Hidey was driving the second of two cars passing a car on Seven Mile Road at about 10:50 p.m. The first car completed the pass, but Hidey’s Pontiac Grand Prix did not and struck 53-year-old Duane West’s bicycle head-on, police said. West, of Ann Arbor, died at the scene.

. . . A Washtenaw County sheriff’s deputy testified during a preliminary hearing that Hidey made an improper pass.

“The fact of the matter is the defendant was committing a traffic violation when this death occurred,” Collins said.

Read the rest:…man-who-struck-and-killed-bicyclist-with-car-in-northfield-township-sentenced-to-probation

Keep the rubber side down out there, folks.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

9 Replies to “Biker Down”

  1. Southeast Michigan sucks, straight up. Glad I don’t spend time there any more, never cared much for it and never had much success there.

  2. i will no longer ride solo without pepper spray. dogs are bad enough, but the anger is rising out there in ‘happy motoring’ land.

  3. It’s my opinion that ALL females who walk alone, jog alone, or ride alone should be REQUIRED to carry a weapon of some kind. Breasts are extremely powerful and persuasive tools, but worthless in a fight.

  4. i ride that road frequently & it’s scary to know that someone died there. i don’t think there’s a time where i don’t get run at by a car on purpose on my commute to ann arbor.

  5. I went to school and learned how to race bikes on those shitty pot-riddled detroit-muscle ridden roads. Ann Arbor and everything to the west is country normalcy, everything east, fucking death trap. I used to say there was an asshole line…. Thats been 2 in the past few months, sad shit.

    The group rides were amazing though. Everyone rode in perfect super smooth double paceline because you had to to stay together for safety. We still had motherfuckers on a daily basis flick us off, throw shit, honk. We just smiled and waved: the best revenge. At least if they saw us we wouldn’t get hit. Can you beer me now?