These came in from one of our South of the Border Correspondents. He titled his email “boguie wonderland.” There was no accompanying text. What the hell is “boguie”?
I take it to mean this:
Anything that is perceived as “upscale” from a blue-collar point of view. ‘Bougie’ (pronounced boo’-she) is a hacked truncation of the word Bourgeoisie, which refers to the middle-class in Europe, but refers to a more affluent class level in the United States.
From: – def. 3.
That’ll work.
I see a set up like that and I think, now there is a guy who knows how to have a good time. Kudos to you sir, go forth and conquer.
I could live like that.
That’s just called having the right priorities… Well I don’t see a cooler full of beer, but other than that it’s the right priorities…
bougie as opposed to the slightly more refined bobo, which refers to bohemian bourgeois. ex: the people in the pedaling: nyc series are bobos.
Duuuuuude….it’s the Wonderbug!