After Saunier-Duval pulled the plug, Scott bicycles was joined by American Beef. Talk about strange bed-fellows. Now it seems that Scott bicycles has had enough and is discontinuing sponsorship. What now? In lieu of dopped up Italians, the team will now be riding doped up cattle?
What’s loaded with more growth hormones and steroids than American beef?
In view of the ongoing doping climate in cycling, I always thought “Addict” was a curious name for a road racing machine………..
Yeah, I’m sure there were some “I-told-you-sos” in Scott’s marketing dept. after the TdF debacle. I hope Ricardo Ricco enjoys busing dishes. “Hey Ricardo, baby puked at table ten!”
I went and checked out the Addict at my LBS. Integrated seat mast? What if a short guy sells the bike to a tall guy, do you add a seat post? Nice piece, but I still like my CR1. It’s black, all stealthy n’shit.
Contrary to the name, “American Beef” isn’t even an American company. Headquarters: Chihuahua, Mexico.
Well, Mexico is still in North America as far as I know…
American Beef is the same guy from Rica Burger from tour of Gila. should be shady beef…
American beef is a Mexican Company? Don’t they know we’re America? Doped cattle are easier to deal with than doped cyclist.
Hey Skidmark, You are on to it. Thanks to W, so many in the Americas do not want to be associated with the United States. Canadians sure don’t want to be called Americans. This is a term that needs to be tossed. I’m just say’n.
American Beef’s primary customer?? Burger King
With Giant supporting Robobank next year, any bets we see Team Columbia on Scotts??
Interesting note on timing…after SD’s first year in the peloton with success Scott porduced a new road frame. They called it Addict
no pun intended?
what abot SRAM red meat
Let me get this straight. Cows are smoking dope now?
Sram red meat: light, faster stronger.
The cows could be smoking dope, and you’d never be able to tell.
those cows sure do eat a lotta grass! Just sayin
cows ate jonnys ditch weed
I think it might have been cows that developed the first total (stereospecific) synthesis of L-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. That’s some stony shit (psychoactive isomer). I have the procedure, if anyone needs it. difficulty: the feedstock (cannabadiol) is controlled by the DEA. Prob’ly easier to just move to Vansterdam BC.
Or maybe it was the Israelis, because the war was disrupting the hashish trade out of Lebanon. The horror.
But no one suspects the cows. It’s a perfect disguise.
culimerc called it Hincape on a Scott
Next up for George is to Out
No I will call it
Evans to Columbia