The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure.
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
The fastest male sprinter in the world runs at 23MPH. 23 MPH have Usain Bolt the World Record and Gold. Imagine that dude running by the Girls Peloton in front of the forbiden city. would have made that whole mess on NBC watchable
Kona rules. Still have my OG Kilauea steel hardtail…my first “race” mountain bike. It’s now a singlespeed with Grafton CNC cranks (remember those?) and 4-blade Spinergy wheels (how ’bout those?).
dr dew, you seem to be holding a more versatile item of transportation in your hand at the end of this video… why is that? Kona not paying enough?
Where’s mah Coiler Ute? I gots ta ghet mah huck on before, and after the groceries.
The fastest male sprinter in the world runs at 23MPH. 23 MPH have Usain Bolt the World Record and Gold. Imagine that dude running by the Girls Peloton in front of the forbiden city. would have made that whole mess on NBC watchable.
Fuck me. It’s only noon and I’ve probably laughed as hard as I will all day.
jesus if that ain’t larry cleangloves as rick. funny shit.
The fastest male sprinter in the world runs at 23MPH. 23 MPH have Usain Bolt the World Record and Gold. Imagine that dude running by the Girls Peloton in front of the forbiden city. would have made that whole mess on NBC watchable
Kona rules. Still have my OG Kilauea steel hardtail…my first “race” mountain bike. It’s now a singlespeed with Grafton CNC cranks (remember those?) and 4-blade Spinergy wheels (how ’bout those?).
dr dew, you seem to be holding a more versatile item of transportation in your hand at the end of this video… why is that? Kona not paying enough?
Where’s mah Coiler Ute? I gots ta ghet mah huck on before, and after the groceries.
The fastest male sprinter in the world runs at 23MPH. 23 MPH have Usain Bolt the World Record and Gold. Imagine that dude running by the Girls Peloton in front of the forbiden city. would have made that whole mess on NBC watchable.
Fuck me. It’s only noon and I’ve probably laughed as hard as I will all day.
jesus if that ain’t larry cleangloves as rick. funny shit.