Happy Jack 5/25

From: Joe and Emma
Subject: Happy Jack 5/25
Ride – Summit Center Classic Memorial Ride on Memorial Weekend.

Sunday May 25th – should be a light RV traffic morning
Time – Roll-out 8am from Pay – N – Take
Pace – No drop – last time we avg 17mph and took about 7 hours
Distance – around 110 miles

Three bottle ride and we can refuel at the RV/Store just before RT260 – at the turn around.

If you have never done this route it has some great hills and a sporadic bike lane.

See you then

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA