the valley grew dark
suddenly, as big jonny
went back to the fridge.
About Snake Hawk
good, bad, funny, sad, stupid, rad, has, had.
non-joining funhaver from coast to coast(er brake).
buster of the chops, drawer of the logos.
North Carolina, USA
today is wednesday
yesterday was haikuesday
what the fuck? this sucks.
posted it tuesday.
Big jonny is sensitive
i apologize.
what’s in Jonny’s fridge
that seems to be keeping him
glued to the sofa?
…could be w/ his last beer he mighta wolfed down a few handfuls of those non fat-absorbing potato chips & now he’s dealing w/ “seepage”…you know, seepage, ummm, drip, ah jeez, i’ll leave it at that…
…sorry, big jonny, just tryin’ ta give ya a sick laugh ta make ya feel mo better…
…& i couldn’t do haiku form cuz i’m not japanese like all yer friends…
snakehawk is american as an eagle sandwich goddammit.
so anal seepage
has adhesive properties
thanks for the answer.
…i apologize snakehawk but it hadda be done…yer response along w/ john’s last haiku had me rolling on the frickin’ floor…
…came home from a good ride, got cleaned up & fed, read those posts & just kept laughing out loud (no ‘lol’ abbreviations for stuff that funny)…snake gets my personal pulitzer double props for that line…
…so if big jonny didn’t have a “get mo better laugh” w/ all that stuff, then that fucker just might be dead…jeez, i frickin’ hope not…
Master wants to ride
he is old not days of old
Rock Racing is gay
today is wednesday
yesterday was haikuesday
what the fuck? this sucks.
posted it tuesday.
Big jonny is sensitive
i apologize.
what’s in Jonny’s fridge
that seems to be keeping him
glued to the sofa?
…could be w/ his last beer he mighta wolfed down a few handfuls of those non fat-absorbing potato chips & now he’s dealing w/ “seepage”…you know, seepage, ummm, drip, ah jeez, i’ll leave it at that…
…sorry, big jonny, just tryin’ ta give ya a sick laugh ta make ya feel mo better…
…& i couldn’t do haiku form cuz i’m not japanese like all yer friends…
snakehawk is american as an eagle sandwich goddammit.
so anal seepage
has adhesive properties
thanks for the answer.
…i apologize snakehawk but it hadda be done…yer response along w/ john’s last haiku had me rolling on the frickin’ floor…
…came home from a good ride, got cleaned up & fed, read those posts & just kept laughing out loud (no ‘lol’ abbreviations for stuff that funny)…snake gets my personal pulitzer double props for that line…
…so if big jonny didn’t have a “get mo better laugh” w/ all that stuff, then that fucker just might be dead…jeez, i frickin’ hope not…
Master wants to ride
he is old not days of old
Rock Racing is gay