Biker Down Update: Sandy Johnston

I don’t even know what to say about something like this.

After parents get in touch, police arrest young woman in Fircrest hit-and-run
Fircrest police have arrested an 18-year-old woman suspected in a hit-and-run crash that seriously injured a bicyclist earlier this month, Pierce County sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer said Thursday.

The woman’s parents contacted investigators through an attorney, saying they believed their car had been involved. The case has been sent to prosecutors and charges are expected, Troyer said.

The News Tribune is not naming the woman, who was arrested Wednesday, because charges have not yet been filed.

Sandy Johnston, 66, of University Place was hit about 5:30 a.m. Sunday as she pedaled through the intersection of Ramsdell Street and Contra Costa Avenue.

The driver of the car apparently stopped and dragged an unconscious Johnston and her bike to the side of the street before driving away. A jogger found Johnston about 10 minutes later.

She suffered multiple fractures and cuts and was taken to Tacoma General Hospital for treatment.

Investigators found several car parts at the scene and said they were looking for a maroon Mercedes-Benz. Source:

I can only hope they throw the book at this young lady.

And that book can not be heavy enough nor be thrown with enough force to ever satisfy me.

I’ve earned the right to say this – as someone who was once left on the roadside by a motorist that hit me – there is a special place in hell for people who would do such a thing.

I hope you fuckers burn.

About big jonny

The man, the legend. The guy who started it all back in the Year of Our Lord Beer, 2000, with a couple of pages worth of idiotic ranting hardcoded on some random porn site that would host anything you uploaded, a book called HTML for Dummies (which was completely appropriate), a bad attitude (which hasn’t much changed), and a Dell desktop running Win95 with 64 mgs of ram and a six gig hard drive. Those were the days. Then he went to law school. Go figure. Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

12 Replies to “Biker Down Update: Sandy Johnston”

  1. As I said in a previous post the driver who got me stayed and owned up to the accident. This girl, who is now hiding behind the skirts of her parents and more importantly her parent’s lawyer, if found guilty should be at every physical therapy session of the woman she hit just to get an inkling of the physical pain she wreaked on her. Unfortunately she’ll have no idea what mental scars Mrs. Johnston will have. I know mine haven’t healed. I ride on the roads but I’ll never, like any of us should ever feel comfortable on the roads if cars are around, enjoy riding the way I did pre accident. As an added bonus even though my arm works well it just isn’t the same and unlike what the T shirts say chicks don’t really dig cool scars.

  2. I feel you Chris, I love to ride, I don’t think there’s anything better except maybe any day on the slopes. After my last hit (#5 or #6) in November 2006 it has been extremely difficult for me to go out, and I’ll only take the beater to do short store cruises (and I tend to make it very unpleasant for any motorist/ moron “cyclist” who comes near me); the good bikes just gather dust. Cars are a necessary evil, but man do they, and the incredible number of fucktards that operate them, absolutely fucking suck. And it’s not like being a pedestrian is any safer :).

  3. Heckler is right – it is not the cars, it is the ‘tards operating them. Between cell phones and text messages, not to mention eating, drinking and thinking about anything other than operating the vehicle, it is no wonder that they don’t see a cyclist. That shit needs to change ’cause it isnt getting better.

    Yes, she needs to be held accountable. In every sense of the word.

  4. Ok but we need helmet laws, whats up with some of these drivers?
    HIT AND RUN is not good!! take the lic away for max 5 years.
    *need something like this*

  5. Whatthefuck kind of person could actually stop, get out and drag somebody to the side of the road after hitting them? At 5:30 in the a.m., makes me wonder, was the driver on her way back from a long night out and knew she would be double fucked if alcohol was a contributor?

    I just hope she can feel the pain of the woman she hit and left for what could easily have been dead.

  6. Some years ago I saw a posting from Toronto titled, “A Bullet For Every Driver.” And in circumstances like this, I couldn’t agree more. The majority of Amerikkkan drivers are fucking clueless bastards, looking out for no one but themselves. Stay safe out there.

  7. Face it folks, it’s a war zone out there, and we are armed with rubber bands against tanks. This very same conversation is going on on BikePortland, about a cyclist that supposedly screamed at a cop (off duty and in plain clothes) for parking in the bike lane, and somebody asked why would the cyclist behave in such a fashion? As we examined the question, it became obvious that many cyclists have some degree of PTSD. There are 2 ways to get PTSD, witness or be a victim of a violent physical attack, or face the constant threat of a violent physical attack. Which one describes a cyclist? Which one is you?


  8. Joe,

    Take her license for five years? You’re a fucking idiot.

    She should NEVER be allowed to drive again. EVER.

  9. I’ve been trying to follow up on this case. At least the parents did the right thing. A girl who has committed a crime deserves an attorney. A human being who makes a mistake deserves to live and learn and drive a car again, after paying a suitable price for making that mistake. (Maybe some time in the big house!) I hope that I’ll still feel that way if I am ever the victim.

    What bothers me is double standards. Injure or kill somebody with an automobile, and you can get away with it. Especially if the victim is older and poorer, and heaven forbid, riding a bicycle. The News Tribune reported on the case again after the parents turned their daughter in. They did so with the help of an attorney, which is the right thing to do.

    The News Tribune did not report the girl’s name, or that of her parents, because they had not been charged. Now that six weeks have passed, there has been no follow-up by the News Tribune.

    Do people who commit crimes with automobiles deserve treatment with kid gloves, especially if they have a nice car? What does the police department have to say? What about the district attorney? Are they going to file charges? Is the fact that charges were filed not newsworthy?

    Does an 18-year-old whose parents can afford to let her drive a Mercedes and hire an attorney for her get a free pass? It sounds like she committed a serious crime, yet her name and her arrest haven’t even been reported.