March 22nd. You have been warned.
Excellent write up (yeah, I didn’t even try) over at
PDF link here:
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
March 22nd. You have been warned.
Excellent write up (yeah, I didn’t even try) over at
PDF link here:
I’m awful tempted to jump a flight back to the ‘nix for this. If just only to make up for how I got my ass handed to me last year. Third or fourth last overall, I like to use the excuse that I was sick and sleep free, while true, really I’m just slow. I think Sadcow pushing me up the hills on San Juan Rd is the only reason I made it back to Spokes.
This year, when I find my egg, I think I’ll try to swallow it whole and shit it out later. That’s prolly the only way it has a chance of surviving the course. Drinking rocks ass.