I am not sure this is good for the sport’s future from a sponsor prospective, but I got to give props to the Frenchy’s….balls the size of church bells. I think that Johand Foolkneel was way overconfident that they would automatically get asked to the prom..Levi was linked to Ferrari, Contador to Puerto, and Kloden to T-mobile and Hamburg clinic. Enough is enough. I hope that Slipstream gets their spot…oh the irony
Heck MadDog had that link up long before you got it there…
and by the time O’Grady gets anything but politics links up…
ya know its old news
(just messin with ya both)
…this is more about the frenchy’s being concerned about the size of their diminishing wallets in the future…
…w/ the uci/ world cycling format on the table, the old powers that be are concerned about losing their grasp on what has been a euro centered & controlled sport…change comes hard & the uci’s attempt to promote the sport on a world-wide stage threatens the old guard, both monetarily & prestige wise …
…the status quo is being threatened & prudhomme & his cronies don’t care if they piss on the sport for a few years as long as they retain control…the fact that they can do under the guise of “we’re the innocent party here” adds credence to their side because the non cycling world views the sport w/ such a wary & weary eye…
The tour sounds very exciting this year….. drip drip drip
Seems kinda foolish for the likes of Contador and Leipheimer (clean or not) to have signed with any team that could conceivably not be invited. What other offers could they have entertained?
Stupid on their parts, brilliant for the TdF. At least one governing bodt is trying to clean things up. MLB could learn from this, as could NFL.
I am not sure this is good for the sport’s future from a sponsor prospective, but I got to give props to the Frenchy’s….balls the size of church bells. I think that Johand Foolkneel was way overconfident that they would automatically get asked to the prom..Levi was linked to Ferrari, Contador to Puerto, and Kloden to T-mobile and Hamburg clinic. Enough is enough. I hope that Slipstream gets their spot…oh the irony
Heck MadDog had that link up long before you got it there…
and by the time O’Grady gets anything but politics links up…
ya know its old news
(just messin with ya both)
…this is more about the frenchy’s being concerned about the size of their diminishing wallets in the future…
…w/ the uci/ world cycling format on the table, the old powers that be are concerned about losing their grasp on what has been a euro centered & controlled sport…change comes hard & the uci’s attempt to promote the sport on a world-wide stage threatens the old guard, both monetarily & prestige wise …
…the status quo is being threatened & prudhomme & his cronies don’t care if they piss on the sport for a few years as long as they retain control…the fact that they can do under the guise of “we’re the innocent party here” adds credence to their side because the non cycling world views the sport w/ such a wary & weary eye…
The tour sounds very exciting this year….. drip drip drip
Seems kinda foolish for the likes of Contador and Leipheimer (clean or not) to have signed with any team that could conceivably not be invited. What other offers could they have entertained?
Stupid on their parts, brilliant for the TdF. At least one governing bodt is trying to clean things up. MLB could learn from this, as could NFL.