I will never understand how search engines work.
I mean, I understand it in a general sense. As much as I understand anything, I suppose. But how in the hell did the phrase “guys with huge boners” bring up this site from a search engine query 155 times so far this month?
Keyphrases (top ten) Search Percent drunk cyclist 744 16.9 % drunkcyclist 476 10.8 % drunkcyclist.com 161 3.6 % guys with huge boners 155 3.5 % drunken cyclist 127 2.8 % november 84 1.9 % porn 76 1.7 % jonny 67 1.5 % forum 63 1.4 % drunkencyclist 48 1 %
We’ve got one more day to try and bring that up to a respectable 200. C’mon guys, we can do it.
Maybe its because everyone who “reads” your site is a douchebag with a huge boner? Maybe the search engines are really little robot spies.
I’m pretty much going with the robot spies one.
even with the No Porn?!?
must the Robots
I love how idiots enter an url into google. Just type it into your browser you frigtards!
I might be drunk.
I have been known to ride a bike.
I have a boner most of the time, admittedly not ‘huge’.
I am always posting to (and reading the replies to…) Drunk cyclist.
and don’t forget the secret stash like your dad had…
Its still there, but like 7-eleven it’s now resides ‘behind the counter.’
I love it that there are people out there actually typing the word “porn” into Google. I wonder how many results that brings up.
It was the trucks and boners post that did you in.
BJ’s boner
I say blame your wife.
“I love how idiots enter an url into google. Just type it into your browser you frigtards!”
Not Ed Zachery.
I do that if I can’t remember/figure out how to spell a certain sites name.
I type something close in Google and like magic, it figures out what I want.
Priceless after 5-6 beers let me tell ya.
Zebo, a half blind 5 year old African orphan has to ride 7 miles a day to school with only one leg on a bicycle with buckled wheels and no brakes. Please give just a small donation and we will send you the video. It’s fucking hilarious.
Sorry…..had to post that. ha ha
…re: guys w/ huge boners…
…i’m not sure if i’ve got this straight…
…am i supposed to send you on-line photos ???…
…just askin’…
My boss is smart enough to check the the address bar to see what websites we’ve been too. But not smart enough to check the search bar for what we’ve been searching for.
bp that site works on my phone man.. hehe bookmarked
I just went to google about 10 times and typed in huge boners, then clicked here.
That says nothing about my masculinity though…
Just trying to get Juan grande on the Map, Yo!
Drunk Cyclist, now with 3.5% more Huge Boners
Don’t you see? Guys with SUVs have tiny boners, Corvettes even moreso. Guys that ride bike? Dude we have to be super careful not to run ours over they’re so big ;)