This is the closest I got to the Single Speed Worlds this year – a pile of stuff on my kitchen counter. I even got a number plate, makes me look all official and shit.

And, thank you Martin, I do appreciate you mailing me all that.
Two Wheels. One Dark Lord.
I’m fat and out of shape but the 2008 is less than 2 hours away so wtf.
yeah f that i pedaled my sorry ass over there, well you know, after i got off the flippin aero plane… and it was f’in rad, edinburgh to aviemore with my main man whitey. in keeping with pro doperz tactix i f’d around at the lemans start, not hiding adam craigs bike well enuf and so forth. I then proceeded to run the helmet cam until i got lapped, so that was fun. You can try not to get queasy watchin’ it.. suckaz you should also probably watch the one were i was flippin’ robbed by curtis for hosting next year. no big deal californiaz cool, i heard the sswc only been there like 4ever whatev colorado will come out there and make you sneezy xoxoxoxox mc
Slappy….You got Raped of the honers, as you fucked the Cali boy up with youre lovly dancin style….And Nappa Kinda sucks…Durango would have been WAY cooler…..
man tree huggin.. wooooooo hooooooo
Nice Swag bag. Lets hope Napa will have as much for us unwashed masses. And yes, I will hop on a plane to be there. At least I’ll be drinkin… maybe riding.
The idea of the Chardonnay-sipping crowd native to that part of Cali. being forced to live in abject terror for a week is strangely comforting.
the coldkickn’ bus will roll out of the gear exchange with more ruckus strapped on than most certainly is legal in the greater napalandarea
And the shirt is pink. Perfect!