Drunkcyclist contributor Erik B. has a damn good one in the Tucson Citizen. Excerpt below:
The Tucson Citizen was right to champion Tucson’s efforts to create new bike lanes (July 31 editorial “Pedaling away: new bike lanes”), but the Citizen missed the mark on Tucson’s “bike-friendly” status.
Tucson currently has a “gold” designation from the League of American Bicyclists for its bicycle-friendly infrastructure, and it hopes to upgrade to “platinum,” a status so far achieved only by Davis, Calif.
But many local cyclists wonder if Tucson’s status is deserved.
As a lawyer for Tucson cyclists who have been injured or assaulted by motorists, I have unfortunate experiences with the Tucson Police Department that make me question Tucson’s commitment to our bicycling community.
Read the rest of the article at tucsoncitizen.com.
He also blogs at his own site, tucsonbikelawyer.com.
Keep up the good work, Erik.