V U L V A [nsfw]

Ladies and gents, allow me to present to you…


“The erotic, intimate scent of an irresistible woman…

VULVA Original is not a perfume. It is a beguiling vaginal scent which is purely a substance for your own smelling pleasure. Breathe in and enjoy, anytime, anywhere, the odour of a beautiful woman.”

Long live long rides.

Buy or die!

About bikepunk

“Cuts, scrapes, bruises… all in a day’s riding. Then it’s off for some good german beer in a local biergarten.” Munich, Germany

21 Replies to “V U L V A [nsfw]”

  1. just 20 € (about 27 $)!! and they got new stuff coming up: EIGHTEEN and EXOTIC. i cant wait!!

  2. …ya, i’ll just bet that scent only ‘comes’ from irresistibly beautiful, 18yr old virgins…

    …just like that sexy voice on yer dial-for-sex line is gonna be the same kinda chick…

    …combine ‘vulva original’ w/ that phone call & talk about delusional…

  3. All I’m saying is its a good thing for us Huffers. No longer having to dig thru the unwashed unders is a good thing.

    for ME at least.

  4. Shit — that is worth whatever they want for it just to spray on married friends to get them in trouble…