Everyone wants me to bring back the porn. I hear it all the time. Even today, I get this:
Because of that news story, I am no longer taking text messages…
But, that Miami bullshit aside, I am pleased to tell you I’ve got www.drunkcyclistporn.com running full steam. Get your porn fix there and stop bothering me with this shit.
Now if I can just get these serial killa sons a bitche’s off my nuts…
…i’m sure i speak for a lotta people when i say i’m fucking stunned, if this is for real, Jon, & i can’t imagine you’d joke about something of this nature.
I’m not very compu-savvy & even i figured out that drunkcyclist.com/archives brought all the old porn back.
(not that i’d care about that or, ah, you know, like go looking for it for anything other than, ah, ‘research’ purposes, you understand.)
I may jest, but you gotta know, you gotta lotta folks that care about yer “pear shaped ass”, to quote, well, you.
So, do what’s necessary, cuz you are cool like that.
Read more about it here.
tank ya vewy much mista!
have not laughed so hard in a while. Thanks whomever did that.
…you fuck, i hope you get a big, nasty cramp next time you ride, like maybe in yer serial killer, sons a bitchin’ nut sack.
…cheers, bucko !
The porn is back! The porn is back! Praise the fucking Lord, the porn is back!
It’s all about the quality, dude.
First rate editorial content, that what keeps me coming back to DC.
and titties, of course.
In a better universe there would be more fetish sites for..
bike porn.
(look at that azz on that steel custom with all that campy…wough!)
Aaahahahhahha! That was awesome! Some of the funniest shit I’ve seen in ages!! Thanks for setting up DC Pron Jonny! Woota!!
Anybody interested in real BIKE PORN should come up to cascadia. The esteemed revphil has made some crazy bike porn and will be taking it on tour next month. It sold out for the first 2 screenings!
Check out the (hot) flyer:
Jeez, Dudes. It’s like you’re all saying “Hey Jonny, Guess what? I ALWAYS think of you right before I rough up the suspect, and I can’t handle my meat with out first checking in with you. Masturbation has been so weird without you, Big Jonny.”
Halleluja! Its the second cumming….www.drunkcyclistporn.com
Admitting I wasnt aware of it, but I for one am glad its back.
rough up the suspect. good one.
The best part about the serial killer clip is the ad on the right side of the page – advertising the TV show “Dexter.” “Serial killer expert,” it says. Hm, maybe not a good match there, random-ad-generator!
Bless you my good man.