I realized I’ve never posted a pic of my new bike. Built her up three weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon. Rigid fork as it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a new suspension fork, dics brakes some and disc ready wheels.
Go figure. This is the shit I already had in my garage: Some XTR, some XT, some Avid, some whatever. The crankarms and saddle have been with me for ever on countless bikes. When you’ve had it around for years and years, you know it’s the good stuff.
Rigid is fine for now. I haven’t been on anything all that technical or terribly challenging with eminent death, dismemberment and danger – danger – danger. I’m more of a smooth single track type of guy these days.

Yo, I make a 29 look like a 26.
You may notice the road pump on the top tube (it just plain works) and continuous rear brake housing held down with electrical tape. A touch of class.
yo Juan Grande, nice ride
Kona; the Toyota of Struggle Buggies
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Those avocet saddles are the tits. I have one on my ‘cross bike and cherish it, for it keeps my gooch happy.
What is that, a colostomy bag?
I have my continuous rear brake cable zip-tied to my top tube. That way my frame is free from the stickyness. But nice all the same.
are those the orginal m737 i spot? I think they weighed a pound each…
better watch out homey, that shit just may end up on bikesnobnyc. sure would like to see that commentary.
I got some plans for BikeSnobNYC…
The pannier connected to the electric socket on the wall is a nice touch, I guess you can’t go too far before the cord is all unwound but it beats doping for that extra little bit of assistance when you need it most.