Regarding the PDF’s in German, I am trying to translate them as best possible, but it’s slow going. We’re talking40 pages of foreign sentence structure, people.
As having lived here has more or less forced me to learn the language, my translation skills are a short step above pointing at the menu and grunting… so here goes..
Yesterday evening I received from Chris a sign from the online magazine, which until now was unknown to me.”
Im not sure if he means the site of the PDFs. We continue…
“Interpool TV made public more parts available of the German translation of the Spanish Inquisition into ‘DopingDoctor Fuentes.’
Yesterday the first 19 pages, and today the rest of the 19 pages of the investigation were made public. More documents are to be made public in the following days. It comes to us as PDF formatted documents, officially translated from the investigation. Unfortunately only scanned in, and unfortunately non-searchable.”
Im working on the PDF’s today, unemployment be damned.
edited to include more…
Ok First, i skipped the first page of ‘Wherein the defendant was… the informant is identified as…” and all that crap. Second, I’m trying to cut thru the BS and get some real dirt, but it is really slow going. I’m also not that interested, but Im doing this for you guys. The sacrifices I make… sheesh.
Page 2 : In searching the apartment… in conjunction with the arrest of E.Fuentes, was found 2 fridges with appx. 200 litres that consisted of 96 bags that were filled with Erythro-concentrate, and 20 bags of frozen plasma. These bags (blood as well as plasma…) were marked with names as well as numbers… On the same day in the apt. of Alonso Cano, were more chilled blood samples and frozen plasma. In total reaching 89 bags of blood, and 19 of plasma. A comparison of these samples showed that on 2 separate frozen plasma bags with the number 26 and the date 10.04… a solid connection to 2 bags of frozen EPO with the
same number and date were marked.
…blah blah blah… Apartment was nicknamed SIBERIA (original…) training circle… blood taken here, frozen there, thawed, re-injected…
From the comparison of the dates, the specific rider who had an appointment with Dr.F was identified (can be identified…? ) by the dates listed on said bags of blood, plasma and EPO. Police were informed that rider SANTIAGO BOTERO ECHEVERRI from PHONAK on the 4th of May in the company of FUENTES and LABARTA was identified, as he left the room of clinical labs of Dr. MERINO BATRES… He was possibly ‘clean’ (Nüchtern means sober.) On the same day in the same clinic C.ZABALLA GUITIERREZ from ILLES BALEARS was I.D.’d as he spoke with FUENTES and LABARTA.
Like I said… boring and tedious. I need more coffee and Im not sure I’ll get thru 40 pages before the main media does.
Page 3: With the same dates, bags were found of frozen EPO and they are: 2 bags with cooled blood with the sticker “4 NO SIB 04/05/06” that are C/ALONSO CANO #53 3 bags with chilled blood, 2 with stickers that read “19 04-05-06” and one with “19 04/05/06” that were also ID’d with C/ALONSO CANO. In the file 99/06 was Oscar SEVILLA from T-Mobile identified with FUENTES and LABARTA on the 13th of may in the apartment of C/CALDOS. With this date were found 4 bags with chilled blood marked “5 NO SIB 13/05/06” On 14 May was JÖRG JAKSCHE from LIBERTY SEGUROS-WÜRTH identified as he entered with FUENTES hotel number 605 of theHotel Puerta de Madrid. Found later were 3 bags of cooled blood marked “20 BELLA 14/05/06 SIB, 20 BELLA 1/2 14/05/06, AND 20 14/05/06” in the apartment of C/Cano and a bag of frozen Erythro in C/CAIDOS with the sticker “20 14/05/06” With the searching of C/CAIDOS’ apartment was found documents that were in the freezer…(all marked as evidence…) These documents 109,114,115 show a timetable with names and numbers assigned to 2 or 3 people with a codename and number. These numbers go from 1 to 17 and are marked with the following Codenames. 1 JAN 2 BIRILLO 3 SANSONE 4 NICOLAS 5 SEVILLANO 6 SANTI-P 7 1ai 8 ATR 9 URKO 10 ROSA 11 4142 12 GUTI 13 ALCALDE 14 RH 15 CESAR 16 VCS 17 GOKU also noted 18 VALV (PITI) 20 VAINS On document 117 were people noted with their numbers an no codenames.
Here I’m skipping because it is getting interesting…
BOTERO as #4, Sevilla as #5, Constantino ZABALLA #19 and Jörg JACKSCHE and #20.
skipping down a bit…
On 13th of Mai at 8:20pm the following call from LABARTA to FUENTES was recorded over the daily stage placings.
L: today there were a group that fell out, only 30 came thru, and I saw ‘The Buffalo’ got 4th
F: Buffalo?
L:SALVODELLI, yeah, and then 16 seconds later was BIRILLO and SIMONI and at 20 comes in ZAPATERO and at 24 came the UN… all of them. They all came in well.
F: All in this group.
L: Yup.
F: In this group of 30?
L:Yeah, seriously, just these 30. Also there was a ‘Steigung’ (Im guessing there was someone who came up a few places…) and I want to say, that those, thoem who are with you on the fringe, they are still really in the race, and doing well. So later, as I see it, they can say what they want.In this conversation LABARTA shows that FUENTES is amswerable for a large group (# unknown) of participants in the Giro d’Italia 2006, where a group of names can be identified by their use of ‘codenames’.
Drunkcyclist becomes an investigative reporting site. Who woulda thought?
was spiel machte? was spiel machte?..
urbrigens, Gut gemacht BP.
Better grab a beer & get back to it. I’m waiting for the next installment. You can do it…
Its a tought language, and Its not my first, but Im working on a bit more. I just wish I could copy-paste it into Babelfish, then sort out the errors. Save us all a headache.
at least save me from this one.
More soon.
Thanks very much for spending the time on this bikepunk!! This is very very interesting indeed!